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The clinical efficacy of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of peripheral nerve trauma




Chinese medicine dialectical for the peripheral nerve injury syndrome is also used "Shang Han Lun" means, the first use of " treatment based on disease differentiation " on the method of positioning in the limbs and peripheral nerve damage. Can be used as the Ru-Mo Si-Wu Tang, Shen tong Zhu-Yu Tang, Fu- Yuan Huo-Xue Tang and so on injury prescription. Or the use of medical treatment of stroke prescriptions such as Bu-Yang Huan-Wu Tang, Gui-Qi Jian-Zhong Tang, Huangqi Wu-wu Tang and so on. Followed by the use of the "eight principles" means to distinguish between the nature of the trauma and the body's righteousness. In terms of nerve, whether central nervous system or peripheral nerve, where can not self-repair is the body's Qi, Yang. The body caused by external trauma, the nerve will be quite damage, this time there will be hematoma, blood stasis phenomenon. Even because injuries can affect internal organs normal metabolism, and therefore often both phlegm-fluid retention and stagnated fluid syndrome. The case of syndrome differentiation is - Yang deficiency and blood stasis and stagnated fluid syndrome. Finally, after the use of selected prescription "Bianzheng" means to increase or decrease the drug to enhance nerve repair and regeneration. In the Zhou Bian nerve injury commonly used drugs, such as upper extremity nerve injury will be added ephedra, Guizhi, Sangbai-pi, Turmeric and other drugs. Lower limb nerve injury with Achyranthes, Eucommia, Rhizoma Drynariae, Dipsacus and so on. Can also be added to the central nervous system trauma commonly used drugs such as Sichuan seven, Earthworm and so on.


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