  • 期刊


Effect of Doctor-Patient Interactions on Medication Use for Insomnia Patients




失眠 藥物 醫病互動


This study examines how doctor-patient interactions affect the use of prescribed drugs from the perspective of chronic insomnia patients. We interviewed a total of 20 participants who had been referred by our friends. The types of doctor-patient interactions identified by the participants were categorized as follows: activity-passivity, guidance-cooperation, mutual participation, and patient autonomy. For the activity-passivity type, doctors prescribed drugs to patients with little inquiry into their life habits. Because of this, some patients felt alienated, voluntarily withdrew from or increased the dose of drugs, or even stopped the doctor–patient relationship. By contrast, some patients believed that the prescribed drugs were the optimal treatment on the basis of scientific research. For the guidance-cooperation type, doctors regularly tracked the patients’ use of prescribed drugs. They also planned the intake, reduction, or withdrawal of medication, informing patients about potential improvements in their conditions. For the mutual participation type, doctors took the time to understand their patients, including exploring the specific events that might have caused the insomnia, so that patients felt motivated to solve the problem without prescription drugs. For the patient autonomy type, the patient’s goal was to obtain prescription drugs. They believed that they knew which drugs they needed and considered doctors as a legitimate source to obtain them. In most cases, the doctor–patient relationship remained unequal in power. Yet, the rise of consumerism and Internet use has made it easier to obtain and share medical information. In addition, the health care system makes the search for medical advice more convenient, delegating more autonomy to patients. If medical policy only focuses on the amount of drugs and ignores the problems of current health insurance system practices (such as too many patients, and the limited time for outpatient services and doctor–patient interactions), other treatment methods will not be developed, which may restrict the effect of a dosage reduction in insomnia patients.
