  • 期刊


The Problems and Possible Solutions to Pro-Poor-Tourism of Leisure Agriculture Within the Aspects of Rural Revitalization: an Empirical Study of Developing Tea Culture Tourism at Yibin, Sichuan




Because of reform and opening, china's economy and technology is advancing to ever higher levels. However, poor problems are still troubled within a part of rural area. The strategy of rural revitalization is found to solve such problems in rural area. This study aims at investigating the problems and policies for the development of tea culture tourism at Yibin within the aspects of rural revitalization. In order to verifying the mentality of the development of tea culture tourism, data was collected by interviewing the attenders of tea firms and residents on the second annual conference of tea trade. The findings show that three dimensions were found while developing the leisure agriculture and they were problems of production, marketing, and sites, facilities and activities. Based on the context analysis, a number of 25 sub-items were extracted in production dimension; a total of 29 sub-items were extracted in marketing dimension; and 13 sub-items were extracted in sites, facilities and activities dimension. Therefore, such as the efficiency of policy promotion by the government was suggested by the study. Similarity, some more suggestions were drawn to the tea firms and further studies.
