  • 期刊


A Study of the Relationships among Personal Values, Urban and Rural Travel Characteristics for Female Nurses, Primary and Secondary School Teachers




Female nurses and female teachers extend the mother's roles in caring for the sick and stimulating children's minds. The personal values and leisure activities of the two professional groups may affect their job performance and are worthy of attention. The purpose of this study is to investigate which personal values of female nurses and elementary and junior high school teachers are associated with characteristics of urban and rural travels. Questionnaires were utilized to ask 162 nurses and 180 school teachers about their preferences to nine characteristics of urban travels and nine characteristics of rural travels and about 40 values for the importance in their daily lives. Stepwise regression analyses showed that universalism was associated with rural travels for nurses and teachers. For teachers, another value type self-direction was also associated with rural travels. For urban travels, nurses and teachers had different value connections. While teachers associated urban travels with self-direction, nurses associated with achievement and hedonism. Teachers and nurses had a higher overlap in values associated with rural travels than with urban travels. Rural and urban tourism can both meet the teacher's self-directed values, but meet the nurses' contrary values.
