  • 期刊


The Effectiveness of Incorporating Adventure Courses into Physical Education Lessons on College Students' Life Efficiency, Team Cohesion And Learning Behavior


目的:旨在實踐問題導向學習(Problem-Based Learning, PBL)於體育課程的教學行動,其目的在於探討探索教育深度體驗課程介入,對大學生生活效能、團隊凝聚力與學習態度的影響成效。方法:本研究之參與對象為17位大學生,參與者須完成體育選修課程,共計16週的教學活動及登北大武山之戶外休閒活動。本研究以PBL方式進行教學之課程問卷調查,以相依樣本t檢定與效果值進行統計分析。結果:(一)生活效能在「時間管理」與「情緒管理」的前、後測平均數統計考驗,達到顯著水準(p<.05)。效果值6個面向及總得分的效度大小介於0.19-0.71之間,顯示具有中度改變。(二)團隊凝聚力上,平均分數呈現增長的現象,然而團隊凝聚力前、後測間未達到顯著差異水準(p<.05)。效果值為0.07,僅僅具有些許的正向改變。(三)學習行為平均分數僅學習態度以外,其他皆呈現增長的現象,然各構面前、後測間皆未達到顯著差異水準(p<.05)。其效果值3個面向及總得分的效度大小介於-0.26-0.38之間,具有輕度改變。結論:PBL與合作學習模式融入體育課程確實能促進學生整合理論知識並加以實踐。透過此課程案例,參與者增進團隊合作、目標達成與反思回饋的能力,更間接提升自我學習自信心與效能感。本研究為體育課程中應用PBL設計提供一可行之教學實踐參考案例。


Purpose: The aim is to practice Problem-Based Learning (PBL) in the teaching action of physical education courses. Its purpose is to explore the effects of adventure course the depth of educational interventions on the life effectiveness, team cohesion and learning behavior of college students. Methods: seventeen (N= 17) college students, who were required to complete the elective subject first, participated the 16-weeks of teaching activities and mountaineering of Beidawu Mountain in this study. This study applied PBL approach to conduct the questionnaire survey, and used the dependent sample t-test and effect value for statistical analysis. Results: a). Life performance in the 'time management' and 'emotional management' reached a significant level according to the pre- and post-test average (p<.05). The effect value of 6 aspects and the total score effect was between 0.19 - 0.71, showing a moderate change; b). On the team cohesion, the average score was increasing, but there was no significant difference between pre-test and post-test (p<.05). The effect value was 0.07 with only a slight positive change; c). The average scores of learning behaviors were increasing, except for learning attitude. However, each aspect of the pre-test and post-test did not reach the level of significant difference (p<.05). The effect value of 3 aspects and the total score effect was between -0.26 - 0.38, showing a slight change. Conclusion: The integration of PBL and cooperative learning models in physical education lessons can indeed promote students to integrate theoretical knowledge and practice. Through this course, participants enhanced their teamwork, goal achievement, and reflective feedback, and indirectly enhanced self-learning self-confidence and efficiency. This study provides a feasible reference case for teaching practice for the application of PBL design in physical education lessons.
