  • 期刊


The Analysis Research to Psychological Skills of Excellent Taekwondo Athlete



本研究目的在探討國內優秀跆拳道運動員其不同性別、訓練年資及競技水準在心理技能上之差異與關係,以作為教練以及運動選手在運動訓練與比賽的參考,同時也能夠藉此建立跆拳道運動選手應該具有的心理競技能力,以因應運動競賽情境的要求與挑戰。研究對象是以參加中華民國九十四年總統盃男、女跆拳道運動員(二十五個縣市、軍警單位),有男子組211人、女子組141人,合計352人。研究工具以邱玉惠於2001年所編製的「運動員心理技能量表」問卷進行測試,經以描述性統計、t考驗、單因子變異數分析來進行資料分析,所得結果如下: 一、國內優秀男子跆拳道運動員之心理技能因素高至低分別為「可教導性」、「壓力處理與逆境調適」、「動機」、「自信心」、「專注」;女子跆拳道運動員之心理技能則分別為「可教導性」、「動機」、「壓力處理與逆境調適」、「自信心」、「專注」。另外男、女跆拳道運動員之心理技能皆以「自信心」、「專注」兩心理因素最低。亦即國內的競技訓練中,教練較偏重技戰術與體能的訓練,而忽略心理技能的訓練。 二、男子跆拳道運動員在「壓力處理與逆境調適」因素上顯著高於女子跆拳道運動員。亦即女子運動員的特質焦慮要比男子運動員為高,且也較容易緊張。 三、不同訓練年資的跆拳道運動員,其心理技能在各因素上均達顯著性差異。9年以上訓練年資在「壓力處理與逆境調適」與「動機」方面,顯著優於9年以下;5年以上訓練年資在「自信心」方面,顯著優於5年以下。亦即訓練年資較長的選手,長期接受訓練與參加各種大大小小的激烈比賽,對於訓練或比賽所面臨的情境,已發展出一套屬於自己的解決方式,使得心理技能各因素上皆高於較資淺的選手。 四、不同競技水準的優秀跆拳道運動員,國手組心理技能在各因素上均顯著優於非國手組。亦即隨著訓練年資的增長,其心理技能在各因素上會有較好的表現。


跆拳道 心理技能


The purpose of this study was to approach the variety and relationship of psychological skills to domestic excellent Taekwondo athlete on sex, years of training, and ability, and as a reference on training and competition to coach and athlete, in the meantime, to build a psychological competitive skills that Taekwondo athlete should be owned, in order to face the requirement and challenge to sport competition condition. The subjects of this study was female and male athlete to participate in the competition of President in year 2006 (twenty five counties, solider and policeperson units), male section 211 persons, female section 141 persons, total 352 persons. To analysis data by used descriptive analysis, t-test, and One-way Anova, then could be resulted in as below: 1. The psychological skill factor of domestic excellent male Taekwondo athlete from high to low was coachability, peaking under pressure and coping with adversity, motivation, confidence, and concentration. The psychological skill of female Taekwondo athlete was coachability, motivation, peaking under pressure and coping with adversity, confidence, and concentration. For female and male Taekwondo athlete, the lower of psychological skill was confidence and concentration; and 2. On peaking under pressure and coping with adversity, male Taekwondo athlete was higher than female Taekwondo athlete; and 3. For Taekwondo athlete with different years of training, psychological skill of each factor had obvious varieties. From experience, on peaking under pressure and coping with adversity and motivation, the athlete with nine years of training is higher than the others with years of training under nine years; on confidence, the athlete with five years of training was higher than the others with years of training under five years; and 4. Excellent Taekwondo athlete with different competitive level, national champion was better than non-national champion on each factor of psychological skill.


Taekwondo Psychological skills
