  • 期刊


The Study of Hotel Guest Complaints: From the Perspective of Frontline Employees


旅舘業的第一線服務人員與顧客接觸最為頻繁,其所傳遞的服務品質影響顧客對於旅館的認知甚鉅。然而,在服務過程中難免發生失誤,導致顧客提出抱怨。雖然,過去有許多研究探討與旅館相關的議題,但甚少針對旅館第一線服務人員觀點,尤其經常面臨的顧客抱怨事件進行相關分析研究。本研究採用關鍵事件技術法(Critical Incident Technique, CIT),以國內一家擁有連鎖分店之國際觀光旅館客房部門為研究對象,蒐集第一線服務人員所面臨之顧客抱怨事件並歸類,以及分析顧客經常採取抱怨的方式。研究結果發現,抱怨事件歸類較先前學者(Bitner, Booms & Mohr, 1994)研究多一類別,即“第三者的疏失”,共歸納為五大類及十二項目。而顧客以口頭方式提出抱怨高達85%。


The frontline employees of the hotel industry have the most frequent contact with guests, and the quality of their services has a huge impact on guests' perception of the hotel. However, service failures will inevitably occur in the service process, leading to guest complaints. Although previous researches have been discussed relevant issues, but few of studies on the perspective of hotel's frontline employees, especially guest complaints that they often encountered. This study adopts the Critical Incident Technique (CIT), and takes the rooms division of an international tourist hotel with chain branches as the research objects, collects and categorizes guest complaints encountered by frontline employees, and analyzes guests often take the way of complaining. The results found that the classification of complaints is one more category than previous study (Bitner, Booms & Mohr, 1994), that is, "the third party's negligence", which is divided into five categories and twelve items. And customers complained orally as high as 85%.


交通部觀光局 , 201901-12 觀光旅館營運月報。https://admin.taiwan.net.tw/Handlers/FileHandler.ashx?fid=8326e90c-38f6-4b93-8675-d6b566595cb4&type=4&no=1, (2019).
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