  • 會議論文


A Portable Physical Fitness Test and Health Management System


本論文提出『行動式多用途體測健康管理系統』包含一可施測兩種體能測驗(伏地挺身、仰臥起坐)之體測機構,其機構具有特別摺疊設計,可收納且方便攜帶。系統包含:(1)語音提醒與簡明的數字提示功能,隨時可了解施測狀態。(2)體測生理監測:搭配生理感測模組監測體測前後生理狀態與建置體測過程中生理異常的求救機制。此外,本發明可透過藍牙連接Android行動手持裝置,將體測結果、生理感測數據傳送至Android 行動裝置進行個人的體測數據分析(如:BMI計算、卡路里消耗狀態、體能指數等),實現一個輕便、高效能性、實用之『行動式多用途體測健康管理系統』。本發明不僅可提供個人體能測驗與健康自我管理,且可協助有體能測驗需求之團體如:國軍、籃球隊等施行體能測驗,並透過QR-Code身份識別快速登入身分讓團體體測流程不再繁瑣且增加體測可靠性,避免人工計算之疏失等爭議發生。


This newly invented system has a special designed folding feature. So, it is a light-weight and portable system for indoor and outdoor purpose for both sit-up, and push-up exercise test. It provides voice prompt and LED display of the physical fitness testing results. Also, it's capable of monitoring the physiological conditions during testing period by adapting physiological modules. The build-in warning system closely monitors heart rate variation as safety measure. Furthermore, this system is blue-tooth capable. Thus, the health condition and test data/history can be recorded and transmitted wirelessly via Android phones or tablet for further analysis, for example, the BMI, calories burned, and fitness index. With QR-Code technology, personal identification can be authenticated to ensure test data integrity. This robust system can be used for personal, family, or in Army, Athlete groups, Schools, or any organization that provides physical fitness test.
