  • 期刊


Clinical Inducts System of Development and Use the RFID to the Medicine


隨著資訊科技與醫療體系的變革,民眾對於醫療照護品質已由早期的被動接受者,轉為主動要求的需求者。由於醫療照護攸關人身之生命安全,而近年來醫療疏失頻傳,引起社會大眾、醫界及學界之重視,如何促進病患安全已是政府衛生主管機關與醫療院所共同關注的焦點。如何營造一個安全無虞的照護環境,讓病患在醫院能夠安心的接受醫療照護,而不必面對意外的威脅,這正是目前各醫療院所積極努力的目標。除了流程改善與強化管理機制之外,導入適當的資訊科技,輔助醫護人員的作業,避免人為的錯誤發生,提高病患安全保障,亦是學術界與實務界研究的重點。 在資訊系統的領域中,資訊科技的使用意願、實際使用時遭遇到的問題,都是相當重要的研究議題。許多醫療院所為提昇競爭力,逐漸將e化列為發展重點。Radio Frequency Identification(RFID)為目前十大重要技術之一,因此,如何發展與醫院資訊系統更緊密,且容易使用的RFID整合性系統,輔助醫護人員給藥紀錄的工作,讓給藥錯誤的機率降至最低,並提升病患安全,已成為一個迫切研究的議題。本研究以南部某區域級教學醫院為對象,透過需求訪談瞭解護理人員對於臨床給藥紀錄系統之功能需求以發展臨床給藥紀錄雛型系統,並予護理人員使用後,透過個案訪談探討發現影響護理人員使用系統之主要因素市高階主管的支持態度,此外,此系統的功能符合臨床的需求也會影響使用者的意願。同時針對所發展之臨床給藥紀錄系統與個案分析結果提出相關命題、結論及建議,以供後續研究進行參考。


With a rapid progress of informatics technology and healthcare system, the public is no longer tolerating the mediocre healthcare quality. Instead, they are now pursuing and demanding high standards of healthcare services. For this reason, many healthcare organizations start to develop e-commerce in order to boost the in-house operational efficiency and to reduce the incidents of medical errors. In this study, we attempt to develop a drug recorder system based on the combination of RFID with hospital information system for the purpose of assisting medical professionals in drug records and improving the patient's safety. The basic principle of our system was to initially establish the need of the medical professionals by surveying the opinions through interviewing process. Based on these approaches, we then developed the prototype of clinical drug recorder system. This system was evaluated in a district teaching hospital in Southern Taiwan. After this prototype system was introduced to the medical professionals (nursing staffs), we then probed into what influencing factors could affect the user's acceptance of this prototype system. Despite the purposes of this clinical drug recorder system are to avert operational errors and the time to transcribe and the probability of errors can also be reduced, we found that the attitude of senior executives is the most important factor to affect the user's acceptance of the system. Our survey also found out that whether or not the functionalities of the system could match the clinical requirements was another factor that could affect the user's satisfaction.
