  • 學位論文


Building the Object Custody Mechanism of Healthcare Supply Chain - A Case Study of RFID Application in High Risk Drugs

指導教授 : 劉立


管制藥品由於具有成癮性、依賴性,近年來已經嚴重造成社會問題,有些醫護人員藉由職務之便,將管制藥品流出販賣,突顯了管制藥品管理的重要性。目前管制藥品流程從管制藥品管理局到醫院乃至於使用於病患的身上,此供應鏈中的步驟多採人工確認及紙本紀錄的方式,有人的地方即容易產生疏失的風險,同時在管制藥品供應鏈流程中所經過的人、事、時、地、物的處理程序,包含了管理流程中許多重要的資訊,這些資訊將是提升管制藥品管理與病患安全的關鍵,病患安全是近年來各個先進國家所注重的議題,藥品管理也一直也是醫療機構所重視的事情,本研究以Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model為基礎,以RFID為工具嵌入藥品包裝之中,藉由醫療產業RFID 共同平台與醫療機構內管制藥品應用程式平台兩個平台間,以XML的格式紀錄其路徑及物件狀態,構成了一套管制藥品供應鏈履歷機制,藉以輔助管制藥品於供應鏈上的管理,達成安全、效率、成本的需求。 本研究達成了促進病患安全,增進經營管理效率,節省成本,同時對於藥品追蹤提供了完整履歷機制,並且以電子化的方式輔助管制藥品供應鏈中操作流程,並期望做為日後相關供應鏈流程導入的範例。


Nowadays controlled drugs are easy to obtain and abused, which has already caused many social problems. From time to time, it happens that some of controlled drugs are stolen and sold illegally during hospital's daily operations. Such phenomenon shows the importance for controlled drugs management. In a controlled drug supply chain, there are many procedures and steps still confirmed by manual and paper records starting from the NBCD (National Bureau of Controlled Drugs) to hospital. As it's well known that "To Error is Human" and it does exist risk to make mistakes when people operate those procedures and steps. Those procedures and steps are composed of much important information about 5W (Who、What、When、Where and Which). This information is also a key point to improve drug management and patient safety. Many countries are very concerned about patient safety in recently years and hospitals also care about drug management. Our research is based on Supply-Chain Operations Reference-model and used RFID tag on drug package. By using RFID common platform and medical application platform, we use XML to record path and object status of controlled drug object. It consists of object custody mechanism to help manage controlled drugs of supply chain and reach the demands of the security, efficiency and cost. With the result of this study, we find this mechanism could improve patient safety and promote the efficiency of management. It provides a complete tracing mechanism by using electronic equipment. We hope it could be an example to other supply chains in the future.


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