  • 期刊


A Study of the Attribute Preferences for the Products of Marine Sports and Scenic Spot Tours Provided by the North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area Administration


目的:本研究旨在瞭解海域運動觀光客對於北海岸及觀音山國家風景區管理處海洋運動觀光遊程產品偏好選擇。方法:研究第一階段以實地訪查,彙整海域運動種類與觀光景點分佈情形。第二段階應用聯合分析法將原先900 種替選方案,縮減為29 個產品組合,並透過問卷調查,收集旅客對海域運動觀光遊程的屬性重視程度與偏好。最後透過集群分析與 t 檢定以瞭解其屬性與偏好。結果:研究背景特性發現女性參與者有明顯增加之趨勢,屬於高學歷學生族群,以自用小客車為主交通工具,停留時間為一天以內。在產品屬性重要性中,最重視觀光景點,其次海域運動,探究細部屬性水準則偏好金山青年活動中心泡溫泉、翡翠灣拖曳傘、1,000 元以下花費、搭乘自小客車及2 天遊程規劃。而集群分析後產生兩大族群,各自偏好『經濟漫遊行』與『享樂自由行』兩大遊程;最後透過獨立樣本 t 檢定發現,兩集群分別在性別、年齡、花費、天數與職業上有顯著差異。結論:援此角度思考,在遊程設計,以觀光景點活動為主,並以低價位、多樣性海域運動遊程來規劃。建議相關機關與產業,鎖定女性年輕學生族群,強化海域運動與附近觀光景點資源之連結,規劃具有競爭性、低花費的套裝行程,並持續於官方網站推展各景點與遊程,並規劃完善的膳宿與休憩場所,來豐富遊程,藉以延長海域運動觀光客在區內的停留時間,藉以創造更多與更高的經濟消費,並提昇海域運動觀光客旅遊意願。


Purpose: This study aimed to explore costal sport tourists' preferences for and choice of the products of marine sports and tourist itineraries provided by the North Coast & Guanyinshan National Scenic Area Administration. Methods: During the first stage of this study, field investigations were performed to gather information regarding the types of marine sports and the distributions of scenic spots. During the second stage, the conjoint analysis was conducted to reduce the 900 original alternative programs to 29 product portfolios. Then a questionnaire survey was performed to collect the data of tourists' preferences for the attributes of the marine sports and tourist itineraries and how much they valued these attributes. Finally, through the cluster analysis and t-test, the tourists' demographic information and preferences were studied. Results: After studying the demographic properties, it was found that there was a significant trend of increasing female tourists, mostly well-educated students using a private car as the vehicle and spending a day or less. Among the product attributes, the most valued one was the scenic spots, followed by the marine sports. After a detailed research, the tourists preferred the product portfolio with activities including the hot spring in the Jinshan Youth Activity Center and parasailing in Green Bay, with the cost less than NT$1,000, taking a private car, and with the duration of 2 days. The result of the cluster analysis revealed two major clusters, preferring the portfolios "Economic tourism" and "Relaxing and independent tourism", respectively. Lastly, the results of the t-tests showed that the two clusters were significantly different in variables including gender, age, expense, duration, and occupation. Conclusion: According to this viewpoint, in the aspect of itinerary design, mainly scenic spot related activities should be included in the plan, with low costs and various marine sports. It is suggested that related organizations and industries should focus on the group of young and female students and enhance the connections between marine sports and resources in nearby scenic spots, in order to come up with itineraries of high competitiveness and low costs. Also, it is useful to continuously promote these scenic spots and itineraries on the official website, while the supporting arrangements of accommodation and resting places should be perfect for they can enrich the itineraries and thus keeping marine sport tourists to stay for a longer period of time, leading to higher consumption and economic values. Also, marine sport tourists' willingness to buy these products can be increased.


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