  • 期刊


Difficulty and Duration of a Complete Routine for Male Artistic Gymnastics


目的:本研究主要目的在於探討臺灣男子體操選手之整套動作實施時間與D分(難度分)的相關性。另也比較我國優秀選手及世錦賽單項決賽選手在實施時間上的差異。方法:本研究運用影片觀察法,透過查閱國內2017世大運暨2018亞運會選拔賽入選14位選手之地板、鞍馬、吊環雙槓及單槓項目現場比賽內容及2015世錦賽男子競技體操單項決賽各項目比賽內容,並記錄兩場比賽選手們各項成套的持續時間以及D分。結果:國內選拔賽入選14位選手各項目整套動作與持續時間關係,地板、鞍馬、吊環與雙槓項目皆達顯著相關。世錦賽各單項決賽前8名選手與國內選拔賽各單項決賽前8名選手整套動作時間比較,世錦賽前8名選手鞍馬項目為46s ± 5s,國內選拔賽為35s ± 6s(p<.05),吊環項目,世錦賽前8名選手為54s ± 6,國內選拔賽為43s ± 8(p<.05),世錦賽前8名選手與國內選拔賽選手雙槓完成時間分別為54s ± 10、42s ± 8(p<.05),單槓部分則為50s ± 6、40s ± 7(p<.05)。結論:國內選拔賽14名入選選手各項目整套動作D分與整套時間除了單槓外,其餘項目呈正相關,而世錦賽前8名選手,在各單項項目持續時間與D分皆高於國內選拔賽前8名選手。


乳酸 醣酵解 磷酸肌酸


Purpose: To explore the correlation between the difficulty score (D-score) and duration of male Taiwanese artistic gymnasts when carrying out a complete routine of movements. Differences in the difficulty and duration of routines performed by elite Taiwanese athletes and finalists in the individual events in the World Artistic Gymnastics Championships were compared. Method: Observations were made of the film records of the 14 national athletes selected for the 2018 Asian Games and their performance in the floor exercise, pommel horse, still rings, parallel bar, and horizontal bar events at the 2017 Summer Universiade in Taiwan. The competition content (except for pommel horse) in the finals of the men's individual events in the 2015 World Artistic Gymnastics Championships was examined. The routine duration and D-score for each event in the two competitions were recorded. Result: A coefficient correlation between score and duration for a complete set in each event in which the 14 national athletes participated was observed. Routine duration of the top eight World Championships athletes in the pommel horse, still rings, parallel bar, and horizontal bar events duration were 46 ± 5, 54 ± 6, 54 ± 10, and 50 ± 6s, respectively (p < .05 for all). The corresponding routine duration of the top eight national athletes were 35 ± 6, 43 ± 8, 42 ± 8, and 40 ± 7s, respectively (p < .05 for all). Conclusion: With the exception of the horizontal bar event, significant correlations were observed in the difficulty and duration of the routines for each event in which the 14 national athletes participated. The routine duration and D-scores of the top eight World Championships athletes in each event were higher than those of the top eight national athletes.


Lactic Glycolysis Adenosine Triphosphate


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