  • 期刊


Exploring the Antecedents of Applying Mobile Learning in Classroom for Senior High School Teachers


近年來,行動學習的快速成長不僅改變了課堂裡的學習環境、教學模式,也提升了學生的學習動機與成效,然而,教學活動的鋪陳是掌握在教師的手裡,而且教師的態度與其對於科技應用的看法會決定應用的成敗。因此,本研究意欲探討影響高級中等學校教師使用行動學習教學模式之行為意向。為了進行更全面的調查,本研究修改科技接受模式(Technology Acceptance Model, TAM),除了增加新奇性知覺的內在因素之外,並增加自我效能、集體效能和社群運作等外部因素,藉以了解教師對行動學習的態度和教學滿意度。透過問卷調查方式,利用結構方程模式分析模型的契合度和路徑屬性,結果顯示適配度良好。研究結果顯示,高級中等學校教師使用行動學習教學模式的意向確實受到社群運作、集體效能、自我效能、易用性知覺、有用性知覺與新奇性知覺等因素的直接或間接影響。這些因素可作為預測高級中等學校教師使用行動學習教學模式之行為意向的指標,亦可作為教師專業社群規劃專業成長活動的參考。


In recent years, the rapid growth of mobile learning has not only changed the learning environment and teaching model in the classroom, but also enhanced students' motivation and effectiveness. However, teachers still play a key role in learning process and making major learning decisions. Teachers' attitude toward mobile learning in classroom determines the success of technology implementation in learning process. This study thus explores the antecedents of applying mobile learning in classroom for senior high school teachers. To carry out a more comprehensive investigation, a modified technology acceptance model (Technology Acceptance Model, TAM) is developed, augmented with internal factor, perceived novelty and external factors, including self-efficacy, collective efficacy and operations of community. We hope to understand the attitude of teachers towards mobile learning and the teaching satisfaction. Through questionnaires, data was analyzed by a structural equation modeling approach and the results showed a reasonably good fit. Findings indicated that the antecedents of senior high school teachers' applying mobile learning model were affected by the support of teachers' community, collective efficacy, self-efficacy, perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and perceived novelty directly or indirectly. These factors can be used as indicators to predict the behavioral intentions of teachers in senior high schools applying the mobile learning model.
