  • 會議論文


The Infusion of Technology Ethics into Elementary Science Education and Its Discussion




This study intends to develop materials of technology ethics so as to support high-graders' progress in their apprehension and metaabilities. The very study includes developing multi-media systems of technology ethics, proposals for their application, and the evaluation of the effects. It hopes to investigate the motional visual advantage of the computer and to establish the supportive effects of technology ethical concepts as well as a progressive profile of its familiarity among students. As a whole, in analyzing the progressive disparities among apprehension ability and aetaability, students of the experimental group excel those of the control group because of the aid of scaffolding. The growth span of the familiarity with technology ethics also demonstrates that the former group outstands the latter. It indicates that there is a lot of space for subjects like technology ethics to develop in elemental foundation education.


Apprehension ability Metaability Scaffolding
