  • 期刊


Thermodynamic Prediction of Hydrogen-Rich Gas Production on Exhaust Gas Reforming


本論文乃利用理論化學平衡計算來探討碳氫燃料配合廢氣重組法(Exhaust gas reforming,EGR)之產氫特性。廢氣重組法乃近年來相當新穎之構想,亦即利用燃燒過程廢氣排放中所含之水汽及二氧化碳與碳氫燃料進行重組反應。研究方法乃是利用吉伯士最小自由能(Minimum of Gibbs free energy)來進行理論平衡計算,以求解反應平衡組成及其熱力性質。研究內容主要分為二大部份,首先探討不同重組方式之產氫特性;再者,探討多種碳氫燃料配合EGR方式對於富氫合成氣體(H2-rich syngas)產出的影響,並進行車載應用之可行性評估。研究目的為改善汽、機車能源使用效率,並降低二氧化碳排放為目標。分析結果指出,EGR反應若能有效配合汽油引擎輔助摻燒,最多約可改善28.7%的引擎熱效率,並充分達到節能減碳的目的。


This study was to predict the reactions of exhaust gas reforming (EGR) with hydrocarbon fuels by chemical equilibrium theoretical calculation, and the characteristics of H2-rich gas production were demonstrated. EGR is the new concept drawn in recently. On the basis of this idea, the emitted gases (e.g., steam, carbon dioxide, etc) from combustion processing were reformed with the added hydrocarbon fuels. The methodology was using thermodynamic equilibrium based on a minimization of Gibbs free energy. As a result, the equilibrium composition was determined. This study covers two subjects. The first was to evaluate the characteristics of hydrogen production. The second was to confer the features of H2-rich gas production with various hydrocarbons under EGR, and the feasibility on vehicle application was also considered. The aim of this study is to determine the parameters of octane reforming on hydrogen production. The results would be helpful to improve the fuel consumption and exhaust emission of vehicle. The predicted results showed that the engine thermal efficiency of 28.7% could be improved with the exhaust gas reforming. Consequently, the goal of energy saving and carbon reducing could be achieved.
