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Why Do People Characterized with a Low Level of Team Identification Watch Sports?


以往的研究(例如:Fink, Trail, & Anderson, 2002; Hsu, 2003)雖然指出,看球動機和球隊認同有正向的關係,卻沒有指出球隊認同高的人和球隊認同低的人是否有不同的看球動機類型,因此引發本研究的進行。本研究假設低球隊認同的觀眾比高認同的觀眾,會有更高比例的觀眾,看球的主要動機為「娛樂動機」和「社會動機」,而高球隊認同的觀眾,會有更高比例,看球的主要動機為「自尊動機」。本研究採問卷調查法,問卷內容包括觀賞運動動機量表、最主要看球動機的選項、球隊認同量表、和人口統計變數。有效問卷220份。利用集群分析(cluster analysis),有145位受訪者劃分為「高球隊認同族群」、70位受訪者屬於「低球隊認同族群」。使用變異數分析(ANOVA)比較這兩個族群,和以往的研究一樣,結果顯示「高球隊認同族群」比「低球隊認同族群」有顯著較強看球動機。使用非參數分析(non-parametric analysis)比較這兩個族群,結果部分支持假設。兩個族群選擇「娛樂動機」為最主要看球動機的人數比例沒有差異(沒有支持假設);關於「社會動機」「自尊成就動機」的假設則獲得支持。運動管理者可以設計不同的活動主題,吸引不同的族群。未來研究可以探討,是否一般人想和朋友融通感情或想要有一些娛樂時會想要觀賞運動。


Prior studies (e.g., Fink, Trail, & Anderson, 2002; Hsu, 2003) have found significant correlations between team identification and the sports fan motivation subscales. However, these previous works did not answer whether people with different levels of team identification tend to be driven by different types of motives to watch sports. The current research attempts to provide an answer. It was hypothesized that a higher percentage of people in the low-team-identification group than in the high-team-identification group were motivated by Entertainment and Sociability to watch sports. Another hypothesis was that a higher percentage of people in the high-team-identification group than in the low-team-identification group were motivated by Self-esteem to watch sports. Questionnaire was used, which included measures of the motives for spectator sports, highlighting the ONE motive that has the strongest influence on you attending a game, a measure of level of team identification, and demographics. Two hundred and twenty participants were recruited. Participants were divided into two groups by using cluster analysis: the high-team-identification group (n=145) and the low-team-identification group (n=70). Like the results of previous studies (Fink, Trail, & Anderson, 2002; Hsu, 2003), the results of the current study confirmed that individuals characterized by a high level of team identification were more strongly motivated to watch sports than those characterized by a low level of team identification. Further, the hypothesis about Entertainment was not supported. The percentages of people motivated by Entertainment in both groups were similar. Hypotheses about Sociability and Self-esteem were supported. A higher percentage of people from the low-team-identification group than the percentage of people from the high-team-identification group were primarily motivated by Sociability to watch sports. Conversely, a higher percentage of people from the high-team-identification group than the percentage of people from the low-team-identification were primarily motivated by Self-esteem. Based on the results, sport managers may use Sociability as a theme in marketing activities to attract people with a low level of team identification and use Self-esteem as a theme to attract people with a high level of team identification. Future research is required to examine whether people would satisfy social needs and enjoy entertainment through spectator sports or the motives of sociability and entertainment for spectator sports are only situational.


