  • 期刊


The Study on Relationship among Spectator Motivation, Event Experience, and Event Loyalty-A Case of 2009 Kaohsiung World Game


本研究目的旨在探討2009高雄世界運動會運動消費者觀賞動機、賽會體驗與賽會忠誠度之關係:研究工具採修編之「觀賞動機、賽會體驗與賽會忠誠度量表」,以迴歸分析檢定觀賞動機對賽會體驗之影響、賽會體驗對賽會忠誠度之影響,並以徑路分析探討賽會體驗對運動消費者之觀賞動機與賽會忠誠度之中介效果;研究對象採立意抽樣,選取2009高雄世界運動會之運動消費者,以描述性統計對人口統計變項進行分析;研究結果與結論為:(一)2009高雄世界運動會之運動消費者以「女性」、年齡「21~40歲」、月所得「20,000元以下」、學歷「大學(專科)」、為世連停留天數「6天以上」、蒞臨高雄次數「第3次以上」、參與世運為主要目的、預計在世運消費金額「15,000以下」與觀賞世運主因為「其他」為最多;(二) 觀賞動機對賽會體驗與賽會體驗對賽會忠誠度之關係,皆呈現顯著正向影響;(三)賽會體驗為觀賞動機與賽會忠誠度之中介變項,觀賞動機會經由賽會體驗的中介作用,進而對賽會忠誠度產生正向影響。


This study explores the relationship among sport spectator motivation, event experience, and event loyalty in 2009 Kaohsiung World Game. ”The Spectator Motivation, Event Experience, and Event Loyalty Questionnaire” was developed based on related literature. The effects of spectator motivation to event experience, and event experience to event loyalty were analyzed by Regression Analysis. In addition, Path Analysis was implemented to investigate the mediation effect of event experience between spectator motivation and event loyalty. 940 valid questionnaires were collected via purposive sampling and Descriptive Statistics were utilized to analyze the data. The results and conclusions indicated that: the majority of the spectators were female, at the age of 21-40, salary made less than $20,000 per month, college education, stayed above 6 days, visited Kaohsiung more than 3 times, participated in Kaohsiung World Game was the major point, and expected expenditure amount less than $15,000. Also, the spectator motivation influenced event experience significantly, and the event experience influenced event loyalty significantly, too. Besides, the event experience was mediating influence between spectator motivation and event loyalty. The spectator motivation influenced event loyalty directly by event experience.


