  • 期刊


Empirical Analysis of Service Failure and Recovery-The Case of Student Charge Restaurant


儘管國內外已有許多的服務失誤與服務修復之研究,但對於校園內學生自資自營,且盈虧自理的餐廳進行研究者仍為少數。因此對於學生經管餐廳的服務失誤與服務修復,本研究的目的共五項: 1.蒐集並分類學生經管餐廳之服務失誤;2.了解服務失誤之嚴重性;3.蒐集並分類學生經管餐廳之服務修復;4.服務失誤所對應的服務修復;以及5.服務修復後的滿意程度。本研究運用關鍵事件法(Critical Incident Technique,CIT)蒐集305 件服務失誤,運用CIT 五步驟將服務失誤分析歸納成三大類11 細項與12 類別的服務修復,並以編碼者間信度與三角檢驗法檢測資料信效度。研究結果發現服務失誤發生次數最高者為「送餐速度不當」且佔總失誤的44.4%,其次為「專業技術不佳」與「餐飲品質」,但最嚴重的服務失誤為「餐飲衛生」,總平均嚴重性為3.24;服務修復最常使用的方式為「只有道歉」,且佔總修復的30.8%,而最令人滿意的服務修復為「免費招待」與「主管出面」,其次為「道歉並立即改善」與「無補償動作」,總平均滿意度為3.65。故本研究建議:1.增購餐飲設備與檢視調整菜單以改善送餐速度;2.要求先修課程與進行職前訓練以加強專業訓練;3.強化食材管理與廚藝技能以提升餐飲品質;4.服務修復不能只有道歉,且要立即改善問題。


Although there are plenty of research related to service failure and service recovery, few articles are associated to student managed restaurants in which students are responsible for management as well as profit and lost on their own. Therefore, in term of student managed restaurant,the purposes of this study are the following: 1. Collect and classify the data of service failure; 2. Identify the severity of service failure; 3. Collect and classify the data of service recovery; 4. Identify the correspondence between failure and recovery; and 5. Satisfaction of service recovery. The study applied the Critical Incident Technique and collected up to 305 incidents. The data has been classified into three types of service failure with 11 items and 12 types of service recovery by five steps of CIT. The data has been checked by inter-judge reliability and investigator triangulation. Results showed that "Speed of delivery" is the most frequent service failure (44.4%), followed by "professional skill" and "food quality." The most sever service failure is "food sanitary" and the total average of severity is 3.24. The most frequent service recovery is "apology only" (30.8%). "Free charge" and "managerial intervention" are both ranking first in satisfaction, followed by "apology with fixed problem" and "do nothing." The total satisfaction of service recovery is 3.65. Therefore, suggestions are the following: 1. Purchase more equipment and facilities as well as investigate menu to improve the speed of food delivery; 2. Required courses and job training are needed to enhance skills; 3. Emphasize food management and art of culinary to improve quality of food and beverage; 4. Service recovery should not only be in apologized, but also in solving the problem immediately.


