  • 期刊


The Effects of Different Warm-ups on Junior High School Students' Physical Fitness Performance


目的:本研究旨在探討不同熱身方式對提升國中學生體適能表現的效益,希冀能提供教學現場教師進行體育教學及體適能檢測時之參考。方法:研究採對抗平衡設計法;以兩種熱身方式(跑步加伸展之傳統熱身及跳繩熱身)合併四種體適能檢測項目,進行為期八週、每周一項檢測之實驗設計。受試對象為七、八年級國中生(n=113,M=53、F=60;平均身高159.78 cm、體重57.27 kg、身體質量指數22.24 kg/m^2);檢測結果以SPSS18.0統計套裝軟體之t檢定及單因子、雙因子變異數分析進行假設檢定。結果:以跳繩為熱身方式者,在「立定跳遠」、「800/1600公尺跑走」與「坐姿體前彎」測驗時表現較佳(p<.05),但「仰臥起坐」則未顯著;其中尤以「立定跳遠」成績表現最佳,推論應與跳繩時運用的肌群相關,其著重上下肢協調且多次高強度的動態伸展,可提升下肢的爆發力與身體協調度,因而增進測驗表現。結論:以跳繩熱身方法取代傳統熱身,將有效提升國中學生體適能檢測之表現;特別在瞬發力、心肺耐力與柔軟度之表現均優於傳統熱身方式。


熱身運動 體適能檢測 跳繩


Objective: This study aimed to explore the effectiveness of different warm-up methods in improving physical fitness performance among junior high school students and to provide a reference for PE teachers. Methods: The experimental design included 2 warm-ups and 4 items of fitness test with the anti-balance design method which was go through eight weeks and once a week. There were 113 participates (male=53, female=60; average height=159.78 cm; weight=57.27 kg; BMI=22.24 kg/m^2). All data were analyzed with t-test and one-way anova, two-way anova by SPSS 18.0. Result: There were significant differences between groups of "standing long jump" and "800/1600 meter run" and "sitting posture". But "sit-ups" is not significant. The "standing long jump" was the best because the muscle parts related to its focus on the upper and lower limbs coordination and repeated high-intensity dynamic stretching and it could enhance the explosive force of the lower limbs and body coordination while rope-jopping. Conclusion: To warm up with rope-jopping was better than traditional warm-up for physical fitness test, especially in muscle power, cardiopulmonary endurance and softness.


warm up physical fitness rope-jumping
