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The Exploration of Transitional Risk for the Vocational Training: the Cases Study of Taichung Holistic Aromatherapist Professional Union




How did the vocational training policy formulate the motivation to participate for the unemployed? What was the effect for their labor market entry and exit? This article has used two datasets, interviewees' labour insurance salary information and stakeholder's interview records, to understand the labour market transitional risk of Pre-service training students at Taichung Holistic Aromatherapist Professional Union based on the Schmid's labour market transition theory. Through the analysis of the two datasets, we have concluded three findings: First, on the dimension of choice freedom and bargaining space, we found short-term unemployed trainees were not easy to make free transition between employment and family care because of the sacrificing for sharing care responsibility with family members; long-term unemployed trainees would face the situation of career's interruption and the loss of bargaining power and opportunity with employers. Second, on the dimension of income security, we found part time patten for the short term unemployed trainees and self-employed for the long term unemployed trainees could not overcome the problem of insufficient household income. Third, on the maintenance of human capital accumulation, there were continuing problems of professional skill for the short term unemployed trainees and social context factors like aged for the long term unemployed trainees. Through the three dimensions analysis, we reconsider the related support policies for the unemployed and labour market transition theory.


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