  • 期刊


The Teaching and Practice of Cross-Cultural literacy-Oriented General Education Courses


本研究主要探討跨文化課程的教學與實踐,包含:課程設計、學生學習滿意度、跨文化敏感度等議題。以通識課程「日本文學與文化」為例,進行課程設計,將日本著名文學作品之舞臺與臺南的地景做連結,經課程導讀並帶領學生實際走訪登場於日治時期文學作品之臺南地景後,蒐集學生上課心得並以問卷量化分析其學習滿意度與跨文化敏感度。研究結果如下:學習滿意度問卷分析部分,學生對於本課程各項單元均感到滿意,並能認知臺灣歷史發展的軌跡與跨文化素養的重要性。學習成效部分,從學生的心得與反饋發現,學生能理解並尊重蘊含於日本文學中的異文化,亦能反思台日文化之異同。在跨文化敏感度的分析部分,學生在選讀本課程後,確實更重視跨文化議題並能提升跨域文化素養。通識教育課程在培養學生全球移動力(global mobility)及世界公民的素養上,本研究以作者授課之課程設計及學生學習成果,提供相關的建議與參考。


This research mainly discusses the teaching and practice of cross-cultural courses, including topics such as course design, student learning satisfaction, and cross-cultural sensitivity. Taking the general education course "Japanese Literature and Culture" as an example, the curriculum design will connect the stage of famous Japanese literary works with the landscape of Tainan. After the course guide and leading students to actually visit Tainan's landscape that appeared in the literary works during the Japanese occupation, then collect students' experience in class and use questionnaires to quantitatively analyze their learning satisfaction and cross-cultural sensitivity. The research results are as follows: In the analysis part of the learning satisfaction questionnaire, students are satisfied with all units of this course. And can recognize the track of Taiwan's historical development and the importance of cross-cultural literacy. Learning effectiveness part, from the students' experience and feedback, it is found that students can understand and respect the different cultures contained in Japanese literature, and can reflect on the similarities and differences between Taiwan and Japan. In the analysis of cross-cultural sensitivity, after studying this course, students really pay more attention to cross-cultural issues and can improve cross-domain cultural literacy. The general education curriculum is to cultivate students' global mobility and global citizenship. This research provides relevant suggestions and references based on the curriculum design taught by the author and student learning results.


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