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A Study of Tourism Resources Attractiveness for Tourists on Cieding Mullet Seafood Festival and Spray Roll Festival in Kaohsiung




In this study, 600 valid questionnaires, in a highly effective reliability and validity of statistical analysis was informed: .91 reliability and validity of 65.52%, female, 31-40 years old, university (tertiary), student living Cieding local, has been marriage, monthly income 20,000-30,000 dollar and in the home of the highest proportion of the number of 2-4 people. Recreational attraction overall average 3.92, the top three in sequence: "for herbs can be made of black roe and mullet dishes to attract", "invite friends and relatives to taste the deliciousness of Kaohsiung mullet", "Because of friends, relatives, told to come here to travel". By the factor analysis, won the "family activities", "friends and relatives offer" and "mullet dishes" three factors. According to the results of the differences analysis, the differences in gender background, sex, marriage, age, occupation, place of residence, family number and monthly income background variables will cause visitors to the Kaohsiung Cieding district mullet seafood food festival and spray roll The influence of the attractiveness of tourism resources. Only the background variable of the "academic" will not be affected. From the multiple regression analysis, we found that the "mullet fish" factor for this activity, can explain the visitors "because the herd can be made of black roe and mullet cuisine to attract" the amount of variation of 72.3%, said "mullet fish" In the Kaohsiung City Cieding district mullet seafood food festival and the spray roll festival activities most influential results.


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