  • 期刊

The Study of Training EFL Reading Strategies in English Reading Class



本研究在探討適當地應用不同英文閱讀策略的訓練,是否會有效率地提升科技大學學生的英文閱讀能力?並且進一步深入探討這些英文閱讀策略的介入,對於低、中、高不同閱讀能力的讀者,是否皆有效益。本研究共有九十六名科技大學的學生參與。在英文閱讀策略訓練開始之前,所有的參與者均接受閱讀測驗之前測,在所有參與者均接受了3個月,ㄧ共36小時的訓練課程後,再讓所有參與者再接受與前測題目相同之後測。本研究共介入了三種閱讀策略:分別是1.尋找文章主旨、2.推測、3.尋找文章中特有的訊息。根據成對樣本T 測驗,結果顯示:閱讀策略的介入能提升科技大學應用外語系低、中學習階層者的閱讀能力。然而,對於高學習階層者的閱讀能力提升並無顯著效果。再者,在本研究所介入的三種英文閱讀策略中,「推測」對於全體低、中、高閱讀程度的學生而言,是最具成效的閱讀策略。


The main objectives of the present study were to explore whether the various EFL reading strategy training methods were effective in improving University of Technology EFL students' reading comprehension abilities and to investigate how students with various English reading proficiencies (high, intermediate, and low levels) were impacted by the training methods. The test subjects were 96 freshmen majoring in Applied Foreign Languages at a University of Technology. One day before the reading strategy training, all participants were given a reading comprehension pre-test. Three months later, when the participants finished the 36-hour-long training, all participants were given the same reading comprehension test as a post-test. The trained strategies in this study consisted of three kinds of reading strategies: looking for the main ideas, making inferences, and looking for specific information in the text. According to the paired-samples t test analyses, the result has shown that the reading strategy training has increased University of Technology EFL students' reading proficiency in the low and intermediate reading proficiency groups. On a contrary, the result has shown that the strategy training would not increase students' reading proficiency in the high reading proficiency group. Among the three training methods, the training method of ”making inferences” was the best teaching method in overall groups.
