  • 期刊


Practice of Web-Based Energy Management System and Energy Saving Strategies for Kun Shan University


為落實節能減碳政策,崑山科技大學積極採行相關節能管理措施,本文即針對此主題,分析校園節能措施,包括校園網控電能管理系統,整合課表與需量監控技術,進行節電管理。電能管理系統以校內區域網路為主平台,透過網控技術,結合課表系統進行電能控管,藉由高度自動化的運作,減少維護巡視人力成本及節省電費支出,目前約監控250個班級,約4500堂課,教室數量約140間。同時也對尖峰用電做更精確控程安排。其他節能措施方面,學生宿舍熱水系統於2008年月由傳統電熱式改為熱泵系統 (壓縮機熱交換器),同時將熱泵系統熱交換伴隨產生之「廢冷」利用風管回送至電器室及電梯管道間,可降低監控室設備及建築物之溫度,節省冷氣所需電能。紀錄數據顯示,使用熱泵約可節省3~4倍之用電量。另校內計有三套儲冰式空調,總容量約1685kW,於夜間非尖峰時段運轉主機製冰,轉移日間尖峰用電,以保守4小時運轉計算,每日可將約6740度移至離峰時段,利用夜間電價節省流動電費,同時降低日間尖峰契約容量,節省基本電費。此外,其他措施有裝設空調循環扇、裝設電源每小時重置開關,均可有效達到節能。實施初步約有2%之減少用電成果,同時無超約用電情形,兼顧節能及降低電費之支出。


To achieve the aim of energy conservation, relevant methods are employed by Kun Shan University (KSU). This paper focuses on analyzing the energy-conserving strategy adopted. A web-based Energy Management System (EMS) using Local Area Network (LAN) platform is constructed for energy management purpose. The school time table and electricity demand control technique are integrated into the EMS. By highly automatic control technology through the LAN platform, the electricity waste and the maintenance manpower can be reduced. At present, about 250 classes, 4500 lessons, 140 classrooms are controlled by the EMS.For dormitory hot water heating system, the heater was changed from traditional electric heaters to the heat pump system. The waste cold air produced by heat pump is drawn to elevator tunnel and electric apparatus room for cooling purpose. By lowering the temperature of building, electric energy for air conditioning can be improved. From the recorded data, it is shown that the power consumption of traditional electric heaters is about 3~4 times as large as that of the heat pump system.For air-conditioning systems, three Ice-Storage type systems, totally 1685kW, are installed at KSU. The ice for cooling are produced by chiller at night off-peak electricity consuming period. For electricity used for air-conditioning systems, about 6740 kWh electricity energy consumed in the daytime of on-peak period can be shifted to off-peak period. Both the energy charge and demand charge can be lowered. Other employed methods for air-conditioning include installing the ceiling cycling fans and the per-hour reset-switch, both methods can effectively save the electric energy consumed. Up to now, about 2% consuming energy is saved and have not exceeded the power contract demand over past three years. A profit of both energy saving and electricity charge reduction is gained.
