  • 期刊


Career Roles Coordinating Process of Highly Educated Females: A Narrative Research




This study adopted a narrative method to understand how highly educated females coordinated the relationship between their career development, original family, and marriage family. This study aimed at exploring related life themes and the social-cultural context which influenced their career roles' coordinating process. This study was also interested in participants' narrative process. The study included two highly educated and married working females as participants. Several findings were as follows: (1) The coordination of career roles was a process from differentiation towards integration, importance, convertibility and development of career role are three major consideration standards. (2)Two life themes were found in Emma's coordinating process including "passion for education" and "love your neighbor as yourself". One life theme was found in Fiona's coordinating process as "growth process from dependent to independent seeking". (3)Four social-cultural contexts were found in participants' narratives of career roles coordinating process. Participants' understanding of different social-cultural contexts is dependent on the level and extent they involved in their bio-ecological systems. (4) Participants' narrative process was through telling and retelling to deconstruct their life story. Under the guidance of life themes, they reconstructed their life story and integrated career roles. Finally, limitations and recommendations were discussed for further research.


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