  • 期刊


Using Strengths Leads to Improve Child Interpersonal Relationship in Positive Psychology


本研究透過正向心理學24項優勢分類架構,探討能增進兒童人際關係之優勢內涵及本土性意義。以半結構式訪談12位心理師,了解其對增進兒童人際關係相關優勢的看法與心得。所得研究資料採用共識質性研究方法(Consensus Qualitative Research, CQR)分析。研究結果發現增進兒童人際關係之核心優勢(「典型」次數類型)有自我調整、開放胸襟、仁慈,以及有見解四項;次要優勢(「不定」次數類型)為寬恕、感恩及幽默三項。以上優勢,開放胸襟和有見解屬於「智慧」美德,仁慈屬於「人道」美德,寬恕和自我調整屬於「節制」美德,感恩與幽默屬於「心靈超越」美德。根據研究結果提出具體建議,供未來研究與實務工作之參考。


Objective: Guided by the strength-based perspective in positive psychology, this study aimed to investigate what specific types of strengths and their indigenous meanings that enhance children's interpersonal relationship. Methods: Data was collected from 12 psychologist using semi-structured interviews to understand their viewpoints on strength enhancement topics related to children's interpersonal relationship. Consensual qualitative research analysis was conducted. Results: Four core strengths were identified for enhancing children's interpersonal relationship (typical type in frequency): self-regulation, open-mindedness, kindness, and insightfulness. Three secondary strengths (atypical type in frequency) identified from the data included forgiveness, gratitude, and humor. Open-mindedness and insightfulness belonged to "wisdom" virtue. Kindness belonged to "humanity" virtue. Forgiveness and self-regulation belonged to "temperance" virtue. Gratitude and humor belonged to "transcendence" virtue. Conclusions: Specific recommendations based on research results are provided for the reference of future practical application and research.


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