  • 期刊


Analysis of the business model of the emerging artificial intelligence technology industry- Take the smart medical industry as an example


人工智慧崛起正滲透到我們日常生活當中。Google Photos能識別照片中的物體,自動分類照片,亞馬遜語音助理Echo能立即回應民眾問題,透過自然語音就能操控家中家電,甚至線上購物,Google Now能自動推送民眾需要的訊息,可讓電子郵件收件夾自動撰寫電郵回覆等,都漸漸融入並改變民眾的生活習慣。因為現代演算法、大數據與硬體運算能力三項核心條件的大幅改善。把人工智慧軟體透過雲端服務放置大量數據資料,讓人工智慧系統效能更加強大,也讓推廣變得更容易。因此藉由人工智慧時代來臨,醫療產業引進AI技術,讓智慧醫療具精準、高效率、便捷且具遠端共享之新興產業,而透過建立可靠醫療數據、影像資料庫、人工智慧演算法,經過雲端大數據分析及運用智慧醫療特性更可發展出提早、準確觀察出身體異常或疾病的預防。本研究將探討適合台灣發展智慧醫療之商業模式。


The rise of artificial intelligence is permeating into our daily lives. Google Photos recognizes objects in photos, automatically sorts photos, Amazon voice assistant Echo can immediately respond to people's problems, can control home appliances through natural voice, and even online shopping, Google Now can automatically push the information people need, can make email The inbox automatically writes email responses, etc., and gradually integrates and changes people's living habits. Because of the dramatic improvement of the three core conditions of modern algorithms, big data and hardware computing capabilities. Putting artificial intelligence software through the cloud service to place a large amount of data, making the artificial intelligence system more powerful, and making promotion easier are major objectives for more appropriate business models nowadays. Therefore, with the advent of artificial intelligence, the medical industry has introduced AI technology to make smart medical products accurate, efficient, and convenient, through the establishment of reliable medical data, image database, and artificial intelligence algorithms. Besides, cloud big data analysis and the use of smart medical features can lead to early and accurate observation of physical abnormalities or disease prevention. At last, this study will explore a business model suitable for developing smart healthcare in Taiwan.
