  • 期刊


Skyscrapers and Shopping Malls: Writing the Hyper Density City by Ho Lok, Chan Chi-wa, and Hon Lai-chu




Ever since Xixi's My City was published in 1975,literary works inspired by the topic of "Hong Kong City Space" have gradually increased. Most of these are written by post-1997 young Hong Kong novelists. Despite their diverse and creative writing styles, these novelists share a common theme in their writings, i.e., the city space in Hong Kong. Based on the hyper density cities described in O City by Chan Chi-wa, Phantomcity by Ho Lok, and Area H by Hon Lai-chu, this article aims to elucidate the characteristics of Hong Kong city spaces and how they have been shaped by capital-driven hyper density and mall-like space application. It also discusses how the novelist's melancholy feelings towards the city of post-1997 Hong Kong are manifested in their writings and how they use their imaginations to reshape the city space of Hong Kong.


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