

隨著高齡化社會來臨,老年人口比例逐年上升,老年人的功能性體適能健康對生活品質、身心健康有重要的影響。參與運動課程是提昇老年人生活品質的不二法門,老年人在進行規律性運動計劃之前,須進行健康與功能性體適能之評量,以瞭解毎一位老年人之體適能狀況,做為日後訂定個人化運動處方的參考。老年人體適能檢測(Senior Fitness Test, SFT)(Jones & Rikli, 1999),能測量體適能的幾個重要因素及身體的運動能力,也是在評估日常生活的功能表現,其項目包含:30秒椅子坐立測驗、肱二頭肌手臂屈舉、六分鐘走路、兩分鐘抬膝測驗、椅子坐姿體前彎、抓背測驗、2.44公尺椅子做起繞物測驗。SFT功能性體適能測驗是測量獨立生活所需的生理特質;包括有氧能力、柔軟度、肌力、運動敏捷/動態平衡、身體質量指數(body mass index, BMI)。本文目的是引導銀髮族運動指導員去了解功能性活動之體適能範疇,熟悉功能性體適能測驗之項目內容與團體測驗之指導原則及執行步驟。最後,針對運動前篩檢與功能性體適能之測量結果,向老年學員提供一個安全有效、量身定做的運動處方,使學員能成功的增強其日常生活中的活動能力;進而增加其照顧自己生活的自主性,體適能及享有一個健康而有意義的老人生活模式。


Taiwan becomes an aging society, the rate of senior population rises gradually. Declining in physiological functioning and motor capacity as a result of aging and a sedentary lifestyle have been documented. The physiological and psychological benefits of regular physical activity in older adults have been widely recognized as an integral component of successful aging. Functional fitness is an essential indicator of the health-quality of life in elderly population. Participating in regular organized physical activity is essential for maintaining or enhancing overall health of aging elderly. It is important to understand fitness condition of the elderly participants by undergoing Senior Fitness Test(Senior Fitness Test, SFT)(Jones & Rikli, 1999) before taking any exercise programs, in order to give a more safe and effective exercise prescription towards elderly participants. Senior Fitness Test is designed for measuring a few components of senior fitness, their daily functions, as well as the motor ability of seniors. Seven-item of tests administered to measure different components of functional fitness (cardiorespiratory function, flexibility, muscular strength, agility, body composition), including Sit-and-stand test, Bicep curl, 6 min walk test, 2-min knee lift, Modified sit-and reach test, Scratch test, Chair agility test and Body mass index. This paper gives a complete guideline for the Elderly exercise instructors in the contents, testing principles and administering procedures of Senior functional fitness.


