  • 期刊


The Research on the Breaking Test and Kicking Load in Taekwondo 4th Dan Promotion


本研究皆在瞭解現行跆拳道晉段擊破項目晉升四段者不同性別、動作、體重與踢擊力量大小的關係,進行探討及實驗。以中部地區跆拳道館或訓練中心學生為對象進行各種晉段動作踢擊力量測試。將以上實驗所得資料以平均數、單因子變異數統計(one-way ANOVA)、雙因子變異數統計分析(two-way ANOVA)及重覆量數平均數變異數統計分析男、女性晉段者踢擊力量。實驗結果如下:一、不同性別、動作與踢擊力量的差異晉升四段者所有擊破動作(360度後踢、旋踢、後旋踢)的踢擊力量,男性踢擊力量顯著大於女性。二、不同體重等位、動作與踢擊力量的差異(一)男性方面男性晉升四段者不同體重等位、動作與踢擊力量有顯著差異的動作是360度旋踢及360度後旋踢,而360度後踢無顯著差異。(二)女性方面女性晉升四段者不同體重等位、動作與踢擊力量有顯著差異的動作是360度旋踢,而360度後踢及360度後旋踢無顯著差異。(三)男女性男女性晉升四段者不同體重等位、動作與踢擊力量有顯著差異的動作為360度旋踢及360度後旋踢。綜合以上的結果發現,大部分不同的性別及動作,因體重較重其踢擊力量愈大均有顯著差異,這也驗證了研究者與資深教練們多年來對於晉段測驗的觀察及教學經驗所得的結論,建議跆拳道協會在晉段測驗時必須依性別及體重,訂定不同標準的踢擊力量。


跆拳道 功力擊破 晉段


The purpose of this research was to study Taekwondo 4th Dan Promotion test to understanding the relationships between various sexes, movements, body weight and kicking load. We contrived a portable kicking load tester to test students from Taekwondo studios in central Taiwan. We used one-way ANOVA, two-way ANOVA and repeated measures to analyze the kicking load for both sexes. The experimental results are as follows:1. The difference between various sexes, movements and kicking load The kicking load for male is obviously greater than female on 360-degree back kicks, roundhouse kicks and back-hook kicks in Taekwondo 4th Dan Promotion.2. The difference between various body weights, movements and kicking load.(a) For male:For the 4th Dan Promotion groups, the body weight, movements and kicking load were obviously different on 360-degree roundhouse kicks and 360-degree back-hook kicks. There was no obviously different on 360-degree back kicks.(b)For female:For the 4th Dan Promotion groups, the body weight, movements and kicking load were obviously different on 360-degree roundhouse kicks. There were no obviously different on 360-degree back kicks and 360-degree back-hook kicks.(c)For both male and female:For the 4th Dan Promotion groups, the body weight, movements and kicking load were obviously different on 360-degree roundhouse kicks and 360-degree back-hook kicks.According to the result, senior coaches and we corroborate our long-term observation that heavier body weights of athletes have stronger power on kicking load. We provide the Taekwondo Association depending on sex and body weight to set the different standard of kicking load while in Dan Promotion test.


taekwondo kicking breaks dan promotion


