  • 期刊


The Learning Motivation and Movement Skill Performance in Physical Education by Elementary School Students


本研究旨在分析不同性別學童在體育課學習動機及動作技能表現上之差異比較。此外,本研究也將針對不同性別與高低學習動機學童在動作技能表現上之交互作用。本研究以台北市國小之四、五、六年級共231名學童(男生121名,女生110名)為研究對象,並施於體育課學習動機量表及動作技能檢測 表。本研究統計方法包含獨立樣本t檢定與獨立樣本二因子變異數等。其研究結果發現高動作技能學童在體育課學習動機、關聯性及滿足感顯著高於低動作技能學童。但現高低技能學童在專注力及自信心皆未達顯著差異水準。而不同性別學童在體育課學習動機、專注力、關聯性、自信心、滿足感及動作技能表現等也未達顯著差異水準。研究結果也顯示高動機學童在動作技能表現顯著高於低動機學童。此外,性別與高低學習動機之學童在動作技能表現的交互作用並未達顯著水準。建議未來研究,可再進一步探討在國小體育課中進行學習動機策略探究學童動作技能表現和學習態度等情意目標之成效。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the learning motivation and movement skill performance in physical education class between genders. Moreover, the study was cross examined the difference between high achievement and low achievement students in the learning motivation and movement skill performance in physical education classes between boys and girls. Two hundred and thirty one elementary school students (Boys=121, Girls=110) in the grades of forth, fifth, and sixth were participated in this study. The learning motivation was measured by using the dimensions of Learning Motivation in PE Scale. Movement skill performance was assessed using the Assessment of Movement skill. Statistical methods used to analyze the data included independent t-test and two-way ANOVA. The results revealed that high achievement students in the leaning motivation, relevant and satisfaction scores higher than the low achievement students. No significant difference was founded in terms of attention and confidence between high achievement and low achievement students. There was no significantly difference founded in the terms of learning motivation, attention, relevant, confidence, satisfaction, and skill performance between genders. Also, high motivation students had higher skill performance than low motivation students. In addition, there was no significantly difference was found in cross examined of learning motivation and movement skill performance between genders and high achievement and low achievement students. Based on the results of this study, the further study could study the effective of leaning motivation strategy in the skill performance and leaning attitude on students' affective domain in the physical education classes.
