  • 期刊


A Kinematics Analysis of Head-Spin in Different Skill Lveels


街舞即是所謂的Hip-Hop舞蹈,源自於美國紐約布魯克林區,目前諸多跡象都顯示Hip-Hop文化在台灣儼然成為一股潮流,不但人口眾多且對青少年的影響極廣。本研究目的在探討職業舞者與業餘舞者之頭轉運動學參數以及穩定性。受試者為職業舞者與業餘舞者各一名,研究方法為使用VICON motion analysis system的九部M-Cam2 Camera(250 Hz)進行拍攝,拍攝後將光點資料轉換成座標資料輸出至Excel套裝軟體進行運算各個運動學參數,並將頭轉分為三個時期,分別為啟動期、穩定期與加速期,從中探討各時期的肩關節角度、髖關節角度、膝關節角度以及重心偏移量的變化。再以SPSS for Windows 12.0套裝軟體進行描述性統計分析。結果顯示職業舞者在啟動期時,髖關節活動的角度變化小於業餘舞者,同時在啟動期的重心偏移量,職業舞者也小於業餘舞者。在穩定期,職業舞者所有各關節角度之摽準差略小於業餘舞者,重心偏移量方面,除了一開始業餘舞者的重心偏移量較高之外,其餘時間職業舞者的重心偏移量也只是略小於業餘舞者。在加速期,反而職業舞者的各關節角度之標準差略大於業餘舞者,而重心偏移量也略大於業餘舞者,但是在動作時間上,職業舞者卻長於業餘舞者,這是因為兩者做最後加速的動作型態有所不同。


嘻哈 舞蹈 旋轉 重心


This purpose of this study was by using VICON motion analysis system to investigate the difference of kinematical parameters of head-spin between professional and amateur dancer. Two male break dancers (age: 19 yr & 18 yr, height: 170cm & 168cm, weight: 55.9kg & 65kg, training years: 4.5 yr & 3 yr) participated in this study. The analyzed system used in this study were VICON workstation & body builder software. The results showed that in the start period and the steady period, professional dancer was more balanced than amateur dancer. But in the accelerative period, it seems to that amateur dancer was batter than professional dancer. But in the accelerative period, profession dancer's movement time was longer than amateur dancer. It is because the difference movement ways between professional and amateur dancer.


hip-hop dance spin center of gravity
