  • 期刊


An Intervention to Promote Health and Wellness to Improve the Cognitive of Health and Level of Health-Related Fitness on University Students


健康體適能是近年來逐漸受到關注的焦點,政府相關單位也投入相當多資源進行推動,但卻發現大學生健康體適能並未達預期之水準,反而更低於高中生。因此本研究旨在探討經由健康體適能活動課程的介入後,大學生的健康體適能認知與健康體適能是否能有效提升。以臺灣北部地區某國立大學大二生共31人為本研究之受試者,進行為期14週之教學實驗,每週1次每次進行100分鐘,並在教學實驗前後均施以「健康體適能認知」與「健康體適能」之測驗,並根據所得資料進行描述性統計、相依樣本t檢定等統計方法分析,統計水準定在α= .05,結果如下:一、受試者健康體適能認知後測有顯著提升;二、男生受試者柔軟適能後測成績顯著高於前測。肌耐力適能前、後測並無顯著差異。肌力適能後測成績顯著低於前測。心肺適能前、後測並無顯著差異。三、女生受試者柔軟適能後測成績顯著高於前測。肌耐力適能後測成績顯著高於前測。肌力適能後測成績顯著低於前測。心肺適能前、後測並無顯著差異。本課程的確能有效增進學生在健康體適能上的認知,但對於健康體適能上並無全面提升,可能因為本課程一周僅實施一次,無法提供給學生更多的訓練機會。


In recent years, more attentions government has been focus on wellness and health-related physical fitness since the obesity rate increased more rapidly. When compare the physical fitness with other eastern countries, several researches indicated that the level of physical fitness at university students didn't reach the accepted standard and even lower than high school students. Hence, the present study was to investigate the effective of Health Fitness Activity Program on the health content knowledge and health-related physical fitness levels on university students. Thirty one sophomores (n=31) included their teacher were participated in this study. The teacher met students once a week with 100 minutes per class for 14 weeks of observation. Students were asked to complete the Health-Fitness Knowledge Test and the Health-related Physical Fitness test twice once in the beginning of the intervention and once in the end of the intervention. Descriptive statistical methods and paired sample t-test were used to analyze the data. The level of significance for acceptance or rejection for this study was set at the .05 level. The results indicated that: a.) there was a significant health content knowledge improvement on post-test for all students; b). male was reported a significantly improve on their flexibility on the post-test; c) female was reported a significantly improved on flexibility and muscular endurance. The curriculum was effective to enhance students' cognitive and some levels of health-related physical fitness. The probably reason could due to this program only met students once per week which may not provide a significant training effects for students to improve their physical fitness levels.


