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Concreteness and the Formation of Noun-Noun Compounds in Mandarin Chinese




The goal of this study is to investigate the concreteness in meanings affect the formation of compounds in Mandarin Chinese. We propose that when the compounds are concrete, they are likely formed by the semantic-relation method; instead, when the compounds are abstract, they are likely structured by the attributive-mapping method. We used a classifier dictionary to collect 225 noun-noun compounds in Mandarin Chinese and these compounds were rated by participants for the level of concreteness. Furthermore, we analyzed the formation of these compounds, categorizing them into three kinds: the thematic-relation method, the attributive-mapping method, and others. The results show that when the compounds were concrete, the frequency of compounds using the thematic-relation method was higher than the one of compounds using the attributive-mapping formation. On the other hand, when the compounds were abstract, the compounds using the attributive-mapping method occurred as often as those using the thematic-relation one. To conclude, this study suggests that the concreteness is a constraint in determining the formation methods of compounds in Mandarin Chinese. It is hoped that our research can provide practical implications for CSL teachers and learners of Chinese as a Second Language in teaching and learning novel and creative compounds in Mandarin Chinese.


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