  • 期刊

清末在華洋人的個案研究:馬士(H. B. Morse, 1855-1934)在中國海關的經歷與成就

The Experience and Achievement in Chinese Customs (1874-1909): Case Study of H.B. Morse (1955-1934)


馬士(H. B. Morse,1855-1934)為美國人,著名的中國與遠東歷史專家。1874年,哈佛大學畢業後,應聘到中國海關任職,長達35年之久,頗多建樹。1874年來華後,馬士先在上海學習中文,1877-1879任職天津海關幫辦,為德璀琳(Gustav Detring,1842-1913)手下。1879-1882年派駐倫敦辦事處擔任金登幹(J.D. Campbell,1833-1907)助手,能力受到肯定。1883年由倫敦調回天津海關,隨德璀琳參與中法戰爭談判工作。1885年中法戰後,由李鴻章(1823-1901)指派負責俘虜交換的外交事宜。1885-1887年,由李鴻章欽點擔任輪船招商局顧問,負責改革之責。1889年至1890獻身北海海關,1890到1892休假兩年,接著奉派到淡水海關,直到台灣割日。1892-1895年以副稅務司任職淡水海關,著手行政業務改革、遏止不法買賣,並成為台灣巡撫邵友濂有力的省政顧問。馬關條約簽訂前後,他成為邵友濂與唐景崧諮詢的對象,1896~1898被派任到龍州海關,1898~1899年任職北海海關;1899~1900岳州海關。1903年底調任上海海關總稅務司統計局祕書長,象徵馬士在海關總稅務司內進入高階主管行列,執掌實際權力。1909年因健康因素,請辭中國海關職務,致力於遠東與中國史研究,成就多本學術論著,被公認為西方漢學的先驅之一。


H. B. Morse 馬士 中國海關 清末


H.B. Morse was an American, a well-known historian of China and Far Eastern. He went to China and served at Chinese Customs for thirty five years after graduating from Harvard University in 1974. Morse first studied Chinese in ShiangHai after entering China in 1974, and then served at Tientsin Customs as a clerk under Gustav Detring's supervision during 1877-1879. In 1879-1882, Morse was dispatched to Chinese Customs Office at London, British served as an assistant of J.D. Campbell and Morse's ability was highly appreciated. He returned to Tientsin Customs in 1883 and then involved in negotiations of Sino-French War with Gustav Detring. In 1885 after Sino-French War, Morse was appointed by Li Hung-chang (1823-1901)in charge of foreign affairs such as prisoners' exchanging. In 1885-1887, Li Hung-chang appointed Morse as consultant of the China Merchants' Company dealing with reforms. In 1889-1990, he served at Pakhoi Customs, and took two-year vacation in 1890-1892, then served at Tamsui Customs till Japanese occupied Taiwan in 1895. Morse served as the acting Commissioner of Tamsui Customs in 1892-1895, and he engaged in administrative reforms and prevention of illegal trades. He also become a capable consultant of Taiwan Provincial Govenor ShaoYu-lien, During the process of signing Treaty of Shimonoseki, Morse was the key person providing advices for ShaoYu-lien and Tang Ching-sung. In 1896-1898, Morse served at Lungchow Customs, served at Pakhoi Customs in 1898~1899, and served at Yochow in1899~1900. Morse was promoted as Heading the Statistics Department at ShiangHai Customs, which made him join the executive officers with powers. Morse retired for the Customs in 1909 for health reasons. He then devoted in China and Far Eastern research, and published many related books. He was regarded as one of the pioneers of Sinology studies among western researchers.
