  • 期刊


Experimental Studies on the Phrenic Nerve Nucleus of Macaca cyclopsis (Swinhoe)


本研究使用3隻台灣獼猴實施膈神經切斷手術。待14天候,取出其上方之6節頸部脊髓,然後切成20μ厚的橫切連續切片,並以cresyl fast violet染成標本。對實施隔神經切斷手術後所產生之液化(變性)細胞之分佈狀態乃以重組合之方式加以觀察研究。茲將觀察之結果分述於下:1.這些動物經過膈神經切斷手術後被發現分別具有1187,1015,及772個液化細胞。2.台灣獼猴之膈神經核乃是一種不連續性的神經核,它由許多小球狀的細胞集團所構成,而沿著脊髓之長軸排列。本神經核出現的部位,乃自第2頸髓之下方起至第5頸髓之上方為止,而以頸髓第3節下方及第4節上方處,其細胞之分佈最密集。3.台灣獼猴之膈神經核,其在前角灰白質內的正確位置若自上而下觀察時,乃自中央區逐漸轉移至前內側區。4.台灣獼猴尚未發現其膈神經之軸突具有中樞交叉之構造。




In this study, the unilateral phrenicotomy was carried out in three Formosan rock monkey (Macaca cyclopis). After 14 days survival, the upper six segments of the cervical spinal cord were obtained, then the transverse serial sections of 20μ thick were made and stained with cresyl fast violet. Distribution of chromatolysed cells following phrenicotomy was reconstructed. The results of our observation can be summarized as follows: 1. The approximate number of the chromatolysed cells were counted and found that there were 1187, 1015, and 772 cells in these experimental animals respectively. 2. The phrenic nerve nucleus of Macaca cyclopis was found as a discontinuous cell column comprising many globular clusters of cells which arranged along the long axis of the cord. This nucleus appeared from the lower part of the 2nd cervical segment to the upper half of the 5th cervical segment, with the highest concentration at the level between the lower half of the 3rd and the upper half of the 4th segment of the cervical cord. 3. The phrenic nerve nucleus of Macaca cyclopis was found to shift its position from central position of the ventral grey horn to the anteromedial zone as it descends. 4. Central decussation of the phrenic nerve axons in Macaca cyclopis was not noticed.


