  • 學位論文

臺灣產硬齒獼猴桃莖部抗結核活性 及化學成分之研究

Antitubercular Activity and Chemical Constituents from the Stems of Formosan Actinidia callosa var. callosa

指導教授 : 蔡烟力


中文摘要 硬齒獼猴桃為獼猴桃科的高大攀緣性植物,分佈於南亞,主要產於中國南部、印尼、印度、馬來西亞和台灣的中低海拔灌木叢。其莖部甲醇抽出物對Mycobacterium tuberculosis 90-221387體外試驗顯示具有抗結核菌活性。甲醇抽出物經分配後的正己烷可溶部、氯仿可溶部及水可溶部顯現抗結核菌活性。由本植物之正己烷可溶部,共分離出28個化合物,包括16種三萜類化合物: ??-amyrinyl palmitate (1)、taraxerol (7)、lupeol (8)、taraxasteryl palmitate (10)、pseudo-taraxasteryl palmitate (11)、ursolic acid acetate (14)、3??-acetoxy-12-ursen-11-one (15)、3??-acetoxy-11-ursen-13??,30-olide (16)、3??-acetylurs-28,13-olide (18)、oleanolic acid (20)。混合物??-amyrenonol (23)與??-amyrenonol (24)、ursolic acid (25)、callosandiol (26)、actinidenic acid (27)、callosenol (28),5種固醇類化合物: ??-sitosterone (12)、??-sitosterol (13)、5??-stigmastan-3,6-dione (17)、6??-hydroxystigmast-4-en-3-one (21)、ergosterol-5,8-endoperoxide (22),2種維他命E衍生物類: ??-tocopherol (2)、??-tocospirol B (9),以及5種長鏈脂肪族類: methyl oleate (3)、(6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)-methyloctadeca-6,9,12,15-tetraenoate (4)與(13Z,16Z,19Z,22Z)-methylpentacosa-13,16,19,22-tetraenoate (5)的混合物,methyl linoleate (6),(Z)-hexacos-13-enoic acid (19)。 本植物氯仿層可溶部,共分離出4個化合物,包括1種三萜類化合物:asiatic acid (29),1種固醇類化合物:stigmasterol (30),1種phenylpropanoid類化合物:trans-coniferyl aldehyde (31),1種coumarin類化合物:umbelliferone (32)。 這些分離得到化合物中,callosandiol (26),actinidenic acid (27)和callosenol (28)為新化合物,並利用光譜數據解析其結構。化合物14、25、29與其乙醯化產物29a顯示對Mycobacterium tuberculosis 90-221387具有抗結核菌活性。


Abstract Actinidia callosa Lindl. var. callosa (Actinidiaceae) is a tall climbing tree, and MeOH extract of its stems showed significant antitubercular activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 90-221387 (clinical isolate) in vitro. The MeOH extract was partitioned into n-hexane-, CHCl3-, n-BuOH and H2O-soluble fractions, and showed significant antitubercular activity except n-BuOH-soluble fraction. The investigation of the n-hexane-soluble fraction led to the isolation of twenty-eight compounds, including sixteen triterpenoids: ??-amyrinyl palmitate (1), taraxerol (7), lupeol (8), taraxasteryl palmitate (10), pseudo-taraxasteryl palmitate (11), ursolic acid acetate (14), 3??-acetoxy-12-ursen-11-one (15), 3??-acetoxy-11-ursen-13??,30-olide (16), 3??-acetoxyurs-28,13-olide (18), oleanolic acid (20), mixture of ??-amyrenonol (23) and ??-amyrenonol (24), ursolic acid (25), callosandiol (26), actinidenic acid (27), callosenol (28), five steroids: ??-sitosterone (12), ??-sitosterol (13), 5??-stigmastan-3,6-dione (17), 6??-hydroxy- stigmast-4-en-3-one (21), ergosterol-5,8-endoperoxide (22), two tocopherols: ??-tocopherol (2), ??-tocospirol B (9), five aliphatic long-chain compounds: methyl oleate (3), mixture of (6Z,9Z,12Z,15Z)-methyloctadeca-6,9,12,15-tetraenoate (4) and (13Z,16Z,19Z,22Z)-methylpentacosa-13,16,19,22-tetraenoate (5), methyl linoleate (6), and (Z)-hexacos-13-enoic acid (19), respectively. The investigation of the CHCl3-soluble fraction led to the isolation of four compounds, including one triterpenoid: asiatic acid (29), one steroid: stigmasterol (30), one phenylpropanoid: trans-coniferyl aldehyde (31), one coumarin: umbelliferone (32), respectively. Among these isolates, 26, 27, and 28 are new compounds. The structures of these isolates were established by spectroscopic analyses. Compounds 14, 25, 29 and its acetate 29a showed antitubercular activity against Mycobacterium tuberculosis 90-221387。


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2. 行政院衛生署網站之疾病管制局全球資訊網,參考網頁:http://www.cdc.gov.tw/index_index_info.asp.
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