  • 期刊


Study of the Ethnobotany of the Chu-Lu (Mulivelivek) Tribe


本研究自2008年7月至2010年2月,於初鹿(Mulivelivek)部落進行民族植物的訪談調查。初鹿部落在1648年就被紀錄為Lywelywe,是在日治時期將鄰近小聚落一起搬遷至此,集結形成今日棋盤式的聚落,被歸類為卑南族。本研究共收集7位部落耆老的訪談資料,紀錄初鹿部落有用途植物201種,包括81種食用植物,40種日常器具植物、32種歲時祭儀植物、31種藥用植物、30種狩獵植物、23種住屋植物 23種、21種薪柴植物、10種衣飾植物,以及32種其他意義的植物,作為禮物、觀賞、玩具等用途。


原住民 卑南族 小學 植物文化


The study was conducted in Chu Lu (Mulivelivek) tribe from July 2008 to February 2010. The historical record of Mulivelivek tribe has been written down from the year of 1648. It was recorded as ”Lywelywe” at that time. During Japanese government period, small villages nearby were forced to migrate here, forming the board type village today.The Chu-Lu tribe is now categorized as Pyuma ethnic group. This study interviewed seven elders to investigate the plant culture of Mulivelivek tribe. We recorded 201 plant species, including 81 species for food usage, 40 species for making household utensils, 32 species for rituals, 31 species for medicinal, 29 species for fishing & hunting, 23 species for building houses, 21 species for firewood, and 10 plant species for clothes & ornaments, and 32 species for others usages, like for toy, leisure, etc.
