  • 期刊


The Position of China's Trade on Brazil in International Division of Labor:Observing the Lafay Index


巴西對中國大陸出口的依存度高於進口的依存度,2009年以後出口及進口 的占比逐年增加,現已趨近20%,但中國大陸對巴西貿易的依存度則相對低許多,進出口的依存度均小於3%且變化不大。巴西對中國大陸的貿易順差主要在初級產品,但除了非食用原料產品類別(SITC2)之外,其他類別的順差金額不高;中國大陸對巴西貿易順差金額最大的產品類別是工業產品中的機械及運輸設備類,巴西與中國大陸商品貿易結構呈現互補。從國際分工生產階段特定環節的貿易重要性(貿易比較優勢)看,中國大陸與拉丁美洲的中間產品和最終產品貿易對整個拉美有一定的重要性;其中,從拉美的各個國家來看,2015年的半成品除外,巴西在中國大陸對整個拉美的初級產品需求的進口貿易、零組件、最終產品的出口貿易中,都具有相當的重要性與貢獻度。以上的觀察所彰顯的是,中國大陸以加工貿易為主的貿易方式已逐漸改變,貿易質量已逐漸提升至資本與技術層次。


Brazil's export dependence on mainland China is higher than its import dependence, and both dependences are approaching 20%, starting 2009. On the contrary, mainland China's export and import dependences on Brazil are both less than 3% and there are few changes in recent years. Brazil for China's trade surplus is mainly on primary products, especially product categories SITC2. mainland China for Brazil's trade surplus is mainly on industrial products, especially the product category of machinery and transport equipment. The commodity trade structures of Brazil and mainland China are complementary. From the perspective of Lafay's trade comparative advantages, the intermediate goods and final goods of mainland China's trade for Latin America are of importance to the Latin America in general. Among the mainland China's trade with the Latin America, except for semi-finished products in 2015, Brazil is of considerable importance and contributes significantly in the export trades of the primary goods, and import trades of the components and final goods. It manifests that the processing trade in mainland China has gradually changed, and the trading quality gradually moves to capital and technical levels.
