  • 期刊


A study of the promotion and transfer system of the police officers in Taiwan




陞職 遷調 訓練


If an institution or organization intends to achieve organizational goals, what the organization needs for continuous investment before implementation of strategic management is training of human resources, which is also an important element for improvement of performance simultaneously, instead of manpower cost that can be neglected. The police organization is also in the same situation. The police work possesses the characteristics of high uncertainty, great danger and great toil. The work the police officers confront gives them great and intensive pressure, being completely different from the work of general civil servants. Therefore, the sufficiently training for the police officers will help them adapt to and face the contents and challenges of duties of different levels. Nevertheless, whether the promotion, transfer and training system of the police officers in Taiwan has met and satisfied the various needs of the current practices, and whether the related contents of laws really have complete standards for practical operation should be further understood and analyzed. The paper attempts to explore the current promotion, transfer and training situations of the police officers in Taiwan as well as the contents of the related laws. It is hoped to understand the logical structure and system environment of the existing law design. After we have known the association of the general meanings of the standards, content of standards and the goals to be achieved, we can further explore the improvements to be made, which can be provided as a reference for the competent authorities to formulate or revise the related standards and system in future.


promotion transfer training
