  • 學位論文


A Study on the Current Recruitment of ground-level police in Taiwan

指導教授 : 許春金


中文摘要 基層警察人員之招募旨在於拔擢優秀人才,而人才之遴選,其方式首重於考試制度規畫完備,使能滿足用人機關期待。我國基層警察人員招募機關為國家考試機關─考試院考選部,依其權責辦理年度警察特種考試與基層警察人員特種考試,該二項考試經應考人筆試錄取後,接受為期9-11個月警察專業教育訓練及1-3個月實務訓練,訓練合格派任內政部警政署所屬各警察機關服務。惟警察工作不同於一般公務人員,從事執法任務之警察工作者,宜高於一般人俱備強健心智與良好體能狀況與專業素養,始能因應職務需求。故其法律條文依據,為制訂相關之警察特別法令。據此而言,我國警察特考目前僅以筆試作為取才的唯一方法,似有值得探討的空間。 本研究目的,以現有我國基層警察人員招募考試制度─「年度警察人員特種考試」、「基層警察人員特種考試」之應考條件與考選方法為理論探討基礎。進而蒐集參考國內、外文獻,以比較研究法將我國、美國、日本、英國等四國家招募考試制度比較分析,之後;再深入性訪談用人機關,基隆市、台北市警察局派出所主管人員計有4人,對基層警察人員工作評核觀感,加以分析問題癥結,試圖從本研究所得結論,提出適合我國基層警察人員招募考試制度的建議。 本研究發現美、日、英及我國在文獻比較區分上: 一、應考條件比較不同處:1、美、日、英等國,均有體適能檢測,而我國沒有該項檢測。2、日本在體格檢查限定傳染病、性病應考資格,英國將愛滋病列入檢查項目,而我國則無上項疾病檢查限定。 二、考選方法比較不同處:1、美、日、英三國均有口(面)試,我國則無。2、身家背景調查部份美、英二國均有調查或自填方式考核,我國卻未訂定相關辦法亦未實施。3、美、日、英均有心理測驗,我國則無,4、其他要求部份,美國採測謊、情境反應模擬及應考者區域限制,日本限定男、女員額錄取比例,英國對非該國藉及犯有前科犯罪紀錄或法院判決無法處理財物問題、破產者報考限制,我國卻無限制規定。 三、訪談歸納分析發現,被訪者一致性認為: 1、單一筆試不足以檢視錄取人員適任度。2、應增訂口(面)試、背景調查、體能及嚴格健康檢查。3、應考者應俱備有服從性、抗壓性、廉潔、品操、服務熱忱、團隊精神、責任感等心理特質。4、增加情境模擬之警察教育訓練課程,並與實務工作結合。5、短期專業訓練不足,期望能強化警察專業技能。6、延長訓練期程,其時間以二年為限。7、女警錄取員額採一定之比例。8、澈底執行教育訓練與實務訓練期間不適任者之淘汰機制。9、退訓或離職者之訓練經費賠償規範。 綜上研究發現,本研究者將對基層警察人員招募之考試制度,提出相關建議供主辦考試機關,對於未來徵才考試制度做出適度修正。建議警察特考制度應以用人需求為主要考量,以國外為例,用人機關參與比重甚高,反觀我國若能讓用人機關協助參與,就實務角度對適任者之應考條件與考選方法做完整規畫提供。 雖然;我國基層警察人員招募考試跟治安維護、犯罪防治,主觀上無直接關係,但在客觀上卻有著間接關係,基層警察為治安偵防第一線工作人員,倘若招募制度未能有著完善的規畫機制,以便篩選適任人選,一旦錄取後又無良好訓練配套措施設計,對於未來執法與治安維護工作良窳有著深遠影響。 關鍵字︰基層警察人員、警察人員特種考試、招募制度


Abstract The recruitment of police force in the basic level focuses on searching persons of talent. And, the selection of such persons depends on whether the examination system was complete or not so as to satisfy the concerned bureau’s expectation. Our country’s recruitment bureau of basic level police force is a national bureau—the ministry of the examination under Examination Yuan of R.O.C. According to its authority, it holds annual exams for police and police of basic level. Persons who pass the exams will receive 9—11 months’ professional police training and 1—3 months’ practical training. Once qualified after training, they will be deployed to serve in different divisions under the police department of Ministry of the Interior. Police is different from civil service. Police person, who executes regulation assignments, should possess stronger and healthier minds, good physical condition and professional disposition so as to satisfy his work’s need. Accordingly, special police law was regulated. Consequently, it leaves discussion room that in our police special exams written test is only method to recruit police force. The research is to find some better solutions to the current recruitment system for the police of basic level. Its theory discussion based on the current recruitment system for basic level’s police force—“annual police special exam” and “special exam for police of basic level”. In addition, using Comparison & Analysis research, it analyzed the reference gathered nationally and internationally and compared the recruitment systems among Taiwan, USA, Japan and UK. Furthermore, it interviewed in depth the local division’s chiefs,including four persons in Keelung and Taipei about their opinions toward these police persons’ performance with the view to finding out the key problems. The research found out some difference in reference analysis among Taiwan, Japan, USA and UK as followed: 1 Qualification difference: a: Japan, USA and UK all had physical tests, but Taiwan didn’t. b: In Japan, they ruled out those applicants who had infectious diseases and sexual diseases. In UK, they included HIV test, but Taiwan didn’t. 2 Exams ‘difference: a: Japan, USA and UK all had oral exams, but Taiwan didn’t. b: In family background research part, USA and UK both had implemented or done in the form of self-filling examinations, but Taiwan didn’t have either or any law to regulate. c: Japan, USA and UK all had psychological exams, but Taiwan didn’t. d: For other criteria, USA implemented Polygram test, virtual situation response test and area limit for applicants; Japan had specific recruited ratio for men and women; UK ruled out those applicants who didn’t possess their nationality, had criminal records or were bankrupt or unable to deal with their financial problems that ruled by the court. In Taiwan, there were not such related rules. 3 Based on the interview analysis, all the interviewees agreed: A: Only written test could not exam the competence of the applicants. B: The recruitment exam should add oral exam, family background research and physical condition and strict health check. C: The applicants should possess the virtues of obedience, anti-pressure, probity, ethics, service passion, team spirits and responsibilities. D: Virtual situations’ training course should be added to combine actual practical work. E: Short-term professional training is not enough; professional police capabilities should be reinforced. F: Prolong the training period to two years long. G: Female police recruitment should have specific ratio. H: Truly rule out those incompetents during the educational and practical training period. I: Set up compensation code for those drop-outs or to leave office. According to the research, the exam ministry should make some adjustment to the recruitment system for the future’s need. The police special exam system should focus on what type of persons of talent they want. Take foreign countries for example, the concerned divisions were involved deeply in recruiting. If we can allow the local divisions’ involvement, from practical point of view more sophisticate planning for applicants’ qualification and exams methods can be mapped out. Subjectively, there is not direct link between the exam and law enforcements and criminal fight. However, the basic level’s police force is the first line of law enforcements. If the recruitment system was not complete enough so as to select the competent staff; furthermore, once recruited, better professional training cannot be provided, all these will have significant impacts on their future work execution in law enforcements and criminal fight. Key words: Police of basic level, Police special exam, Recruitment system


Palmiotto, Micheal(1997) .Policing : concepts, strategies, and current issues in American police forces. North Carolina: Carolina Academic Press.


