  • 期刊


A Preliminary Study on the Cognition of Overseas Internship and Internship Issues: Hotel Catering in Japan for Students of Applied Foreign Languages in Technical Universities




The professional training of pragmatic talents is the foundation of technical and vocational education and one of the important sources of national economic development. In the era of globalization, Taiwan's economic development is closely related to the growth of foreign economic and trade. Training students with an international perspective and pragmatic ability can indeed enhance the country's competitiveness. The Ministry of Education has selected 36,546 students for overseas subsidies since the launch of the scholarship program in 1996. By the end of the year 108, more than half of the students have applied for internships. However, students may face various problems during the internship. At present, the number of internship students from technical colleges to Japan is increasing year by year. However, does the beautification and illusion of "Japanese internship" cause the problem of students' internship in Japan? The main purpose of this research is to explore the correlation between the internship issues of undergraduate students in Japan and their pre-internship cognition, as well as the impact of student internship issues and internship feedback. This study uses questionnaire surveys and interviews to analyze and discuss their interrelationships, so as to provide references for HKUST related departments to solve Japanese internship problems in the future.


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