  • 會議論文


Influence of Water Spraying on the Substrate upon Bonding Strengths of Nikogake Ceramic Tiles on Exterior Walls


建築物外牆磁磚劣化因子諸多,嚴重者會產生界面層空鼓現象甚至剝落。檢討根本的外牆施工法,提升施工品質,才能減低外牆劣化的風險。本研究旨在探討結構體灑水與否,對於黏著層不同空鼓率的強度影響。試驗結果發現,與結構體不灑水試體相比,在施作打底層前於結構體表面灑水至濕度超過80%,空鼓率75%時磁磚拉拔強度為0.47 kgf/cm^2,低於結構體不灑水、空鼓率75%之強度0.91 kgf/cm^2。結構體表面灑水、空鼓率50%與25%時,拉拔強度依序為3.17 kgf/cm^2與2.81 kgf/cm^2,高於結構體不灑水之同空鼓率強度1.89 kgf/cm^2與2.41 kgf/cm^2,尤以空鼓率50%的拉拔強度數值差異格外顯著。空鼓率0%時兩者拉拔強度趨近,結構體灑水與不灑水各為3.25 kgf/cm^2與3.15 kgf/cm^2。研究結果顯示結構體表面灑水提高其濕度至80%,黏著層空鼓率25%與50%之拉拔強度也隨之提高。空鼓率0%時兩者強度差異不大。空鼓率75%時,牆體不灑水之拉拔強度反而高於牆體灑水者。本研究希望藉由水平放置實牆規模的實驗,探討結構體灑水與否對於二丁掛磚黏著強度的影響。透過空鼓率的變因設計,進一步探究前述條件下不同空鼓率的強度變化與趨勢,以提供外牆磁磚施工者作為牆體打底前是否灑水的參考依據。


Ceramic tiles on exterior walls will be affected by environmental factors as well as non-environmental factors, resulting in deterioration. The purpose of this study is to inspect the bonding strength of Nikogake ceramic tiles under the premise of spraying water on the concrete substrate or not and different hollow proportions by pull-off test, so as to explore the correlation between the procedure as well as the methods of ceramic tile installation on exterior walls in Taiwan and the deterioration of the external wall tiles. The statistics of bonding strength show that, compared with the substrate which was not spilled with water on the surface beforehand, when spraying water to the surface of the concrete slab until its humidity reaches over 80% before the application of the cement layer, the pull-off strength is lower when the hollow percentage of adhesive layer is 75%; on the other hand, the bonding strength of the tiles is higher when the hollow proportions are 25% and, especially, 50%. For those with 0% hollow, no obvious difference on strength is found. The results show that spraying water on the surface of concrete substrates to increase its humidity to 80% and above before applying the mud slab will also increase the bonding strength of tiles with 25% and 50% hollow.
