  • 期刊


The International Jurisdiction and Applicable Law Issues of Employment Contract of Foreign Fishing Crew-Comparison between Taiwan and EU Law




This essay examines the relevant regulations and judicial interpretations regarding employment contract of foreign fishing crews and flags of convenience by referring to Rome I Regulation and Brussels Ia Regulation. This essay mainly focuses on the expansion of employee-plaintiffs' access to justice and how the protection of employee affects the party autonomy. This essay will cover the interpretations of domicile, branches, the place of habitual performance, and the place where the business which engaged the employee in Brussels Ia Regulation. In addition, this essay will analyze the escape clause and the notion that the provisions cannot be derogated by the agreement of employment contract in Rome I Regulation. In the discussion of applicable law, the issues of public order, mandatory provisions, and la loi d'application immédiate, will also be elaborated, and how the lex fori can be applied once these above-mentioned issues are taken into consideration. Lastly, the essay will introduce the regulations governing the employment contract of foreign fishing crews in Taiwan, juxtaposing with Rome I Regulation and Brussels Ia Regulation.


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