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Sclerotinia Rot of Chrysanthemum Cuttings in Central Taiwan and Its Chemical Control




Several chrysanthemum propagation centers in central Taiwan were surveyed on the occurrence of Sclerotinia from January 2000 to April 2001. The disease was found at its peak between January to april 2000, and between December 2000 to April 2001. Sclerotinia disease of chrysanthemum cuttings first showed a wet rot, and then cottony white mycelium and black sclerotia formed on the diseased tissue surface, and finally a circular pattern of diseased areas appeared in the cuttingbeds. The optimal mycelium growth temperature of the fungus was at 20-25℃, but did not grow 35℃. Development of disease severity of chrysanthemum sclerotinia rot was significantly influenced by temperature. The disease developed very fast at 25℃ but did not at 30℃. In cuttingbed trials, it revealed that two fungicides, Vinclozolin and Procymidone, were markedly effective in controlling the disease.
