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The Improvement and Experiment of a Self-propelled Manure Spreader with Hydraulic Hoist


本研究以堆肥撒佈搬運車為基礎,試驗改良完成一台自走式有機肥撒佈機,可供農友大規模均勻撒施有機肥應用;其附屬油壓吊桿亦可輔助小包袋裝及太空包肥料裝填之用。經測試結果顯示,本機使用18 hp柴油引擎,具6前進、2後退速與四輪傳動,有機肥載量一次約為800 kg,出肥量有四段控制選擇,撒佈寬度可達4~5 m,而撒佈均勻度符合國家測試標準者達90%,整體作業效率較人工撒施快逾7倍,並節省施肥工資約60%。當使用油壓吊桿輔助作業,可比純人工裝肥快約2倍之多,是一台性能優異、操作靈活方便且機動性高,適用於臺灣小田區的機械。


The design and manufacturing of this self-propelled manure spreader with hydraulic hanger was based on the previous experience and research of the manure spreader on power carrier. This spreader can be used not only for small pack of fertilizer but also for extra large pack of fertilizer. The testing results show that the capacity of this machine is 800 kg and the spreading width can reach 4-5 meters with very uniform spreading quality. The machine use an 18 hp diesel engine with a four-wheel-drive transmission in 6 forward and 2 backward speeds. The hydraulic hoist is designed for assisting the operation of loading fertilizer. The use of the machine can save about 60% of labor cost and the efficiency is over 7 times higher than spreading manually. The loading efficiency can be raised upto 2 times than full labor loading when the hydraulic hoist is used as assistance tool. Certainly, this excellent machine is very easy and convenient to operate and in high mobility that would suit small field in Taiwan.
