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Effects of Different Green Manure Crops on the Yield and Quality of the First Crop Rice




一期稻作 綠肥作物 產量 米質


The effects of different manure crops on the yield and quality of two rice cultivars for the first crop season were studied in 1998-2002. The experiment included seven treatments: Ching-Pyi soybean, sesbania and sun hemp planted in the second crop season; Egyptian clover, hairy vetch and rapeseed planted in the winter inter-crop season, and the check plot without planting any manure crop. The results showed that cultivar was the most important factor affecting the agronomic traits and yield performance. The effects of different manure crops planted in previous season were greater on Taikeng 8 of the first crop season than that of Taichung sen 10 in term of agronomic traits performance, but there was no significant difference on yield between cultivars. The effects of different manure crops on milling quality were different between cultivars, but there was no significant difference on percentage of head rice. Milled rice grain appearance of two varieties showed different responses under different green manure treatments, Taikeng 8 turned less white center and maintained a similar translucency, while Taichung sen 10 became more translucent, less white belly and less whiteness. The overall rice quality was improved by years, as the crude protein contents of rice grains under green manure treatments were higher than that of the check plot, and Taichung sen 10 had greater rice quality improvement than Taikeng 8. The physical properties of cooked rice could be significantly improved after cultivating green manure crops for several years, but the effects were cultivar dependent. Green manure treatments had slightly improvement on sensory eating quality of cooked rice for both varieties, while Taikeng 8 had greater improvement than Taichung sen 10. The major characteristic affected brown rice quality of Taikeng 8 was cracked kernel ratio for the first two years, but there was no significant difference among different green manure treatments. As for Taichung sen 10, the factors affecting the brown rice quality were cracked kernel ratio and broken kernel ratio for the first year, and broken kernel ratio for the second year. Cracked kernel ratio was the highest under sesbania treatment planted in the second crop season, while broken kernel ratio showed no difference among seven green manure treatments.


rice first crop green manure yield rice quality
