  • 期刊
  • OpenAccess


Effects of Non-Chemical Material on the Control of Rust and Brow Spot on Water Bamboo




非農藥資材 萃取 分蘗 銹病 胡麻葉枯病 茭白


The purpose of this study was to assess prevention disease by using non-chemical materials. The results indicated that 80% sulfur 500X could reduce rust significantly by sprayed sulfur every 7 days after planted water bamboo in the field. The results illustrated that 80% sulfur 500X has significantly efficacy compared with treatments of soda, sapindus extract oil and KHCO3 in the first phase of water bamboo harvest. For testing the non-chemical materials on inhibiting the pathogen causing brow spot in water bamboo, the plant extracts developed from Biotechnology Lab, TDARES under 5 to 50X dilution showed best results on inhibiting pathogen growth. After the first phase of water bamboo harvest, cut off above ground mining methods and plants to tiller from an old stump was less likely to suffer with Brown Spot and no reduction in yield of this model.


non-chemical materials extract tiller brown spot rust water bamboo
