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Effects of Planting Method and Basal Fertilizer on the Yield and Quality of Organic Water Bamboo Shoots


茭白(Zizania latifolia Turcz)為臺灣中部地區重要之蔬菜作物,目前茭白有機栽培尚無合適之育苗及基肥施用方式,而常有產量及品質不穩定情形。本研究利用不同有機質肥料作為基肥,搭配不同育苗方式,期建立合適之育苗及基肥施用模式。茭白以母莖直接定植法所生成之分蘗數較多,其一期筍產量高於育苗移植之對照組,採收時間亦提早13日,而採收期長達51日。利用碳化稻殼改良土壤後,茭白筍之鮮重、乾重、長度及鉀元素含量皆顯著增加。以有機堆肥做為基肥,全年產量較施用有機粒肥之對照組增加278.5 kg.0.1 ha^(-1)。因此茭白有機栽培時,利用母莖直接定植法,搭配碳化稻殼及有機堆肥作為基肥,可有效增進茭白產量及品質。


茭白 有機栽培 茭白母莖 基肥 碳化稻殼


Water bamboo shoot (Zizania latifolia Turcz.) is one of the important vegetables in central Taiwan. However, it has no rational planting method and fertilization management regime for organic production yet. The yield and quality of organic water bamboo shoot are often instable. This study was aimed to establish suitable planting and fertilization management model for organic production of water bamboo shoots. The result showed that the direct planting of mother stalks coould not only obtain more tillers and shoot yield in first crop than the transplanting seedling method, but also 13 days earlier reached to first harvest and the production period extended to 51 days. The Carbonized rice husk used found as to improve the soil texture and as to increase the fresh weight, dry weight, plant height and potassium content of water bamboo shoots significantly. As comparing with the commercial organic fertilizer treatment, the organic compost as basal fertilizer treatment could also increase the annual yield of water bamboo shoot efficiently up to 278.5 kg.0.1 ha^(-1). In conclusion, apply with direct planting mother stalk method and supply with carbonized rice husk and organic compost as basal fertilizer could be not only to improve the soil texture but also to increase the quality and yield for water bamboo shoot.
