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The Effect of Horticultural Therapeutic Activity-Flower Card Design on Heart Rate Variability


本研究透過心率變異度(heart rate variability)儀器,量測彰化縣劍門生態農場自願參與園藝療育活動遊客之心率變異度,探討參與者對療育活動的激發能否影響心率之正常心跳間期之標準差(SDNN)及低高頻功率比(LF/HF)。研究結果顯示,在休閒農場園區導覽活動中增加植物花卡創作活動,對心率之SDNN及LF/HF有正向的影響(整個活動分為準備期(A)、園區導覽(B)、花卡創作活動(C)、成果分享(D)及後測(E)等五個階段)。相較於園區導覽(B)階段參與者心率之SDNN平均值46.5ms,進行植物花卡創作活動時,成果分享(D)階段之SDNN為67.6ms,其波峰變動幅度以花卡創作活動(C)至成果分享(D)兩個階段間最為顯著,表示在常態的園區導覽(B),心率的負載一般或感到疲累而略有下降,而在療育活動(C及D)時段,則心率的負載放鬆,具有舒壓效果。另一項指數LF/HF則無顯著差異;此原因可能與測定人數較少,且參與者本身就處於身心平衡狀態的關係。


This study used a heart rate variability (HRV) instrument to measure the HRV of tourists who volunteered to participate in horticultural therapy activities at Jian-Men Leisure Farm in Changhua County, and explored whether participants' stimulation of horticultural therapy activities can affect the SDNN and LF/HF of the HRV. The results show that the addition of plant flower card making activity in the guided activities of the farm has a positive impact on the SDNN and LF/HF of the HRV. Compared with the average SDNN of the participants' HRV in the garden guided activity stage (B), which is 46.5 ms, the SDNN in the works sharing stage (D) is 67.6 ms when the plant flower card making activities is carried out, and the peak fluctuation range is completed by the work (C) It is the most significant between the two stages of works sharing (D), which means that in the normal garden guided activity stage (B), the loading of HRV is normal or tired and slightly decreased, while during the horticultural therapy activities (C and D), the loading of HRV is relaxed and has a stress relief effect. The other index, LF/HF, showed no significant difference.
